Launching yesterday for a late afternoon session after a long wait for wind. Kid on a tiny BMX wearing a beanie rides up and stops on the path. "Get some kite surfing lessons mate!" he yells. "What?" "You should get kite surfing lessons!" "Why?" "Cos you'r a @&$# pole dancer" and rides off. I see the funny side of this and sail off thinking "who's having nore fun now? Me or you on your little BMX?" Half an hour later, bang! Snapped boom! Is there a message in this...?
Sounds like he'll make a perfect Gay kite .hope he learns to keep his limp rist trings (tampax) away from the bosses on the water.
He must just be to young to understand that taking a kite to the beach is like taking a scooter to the skate park.
lol thats funny as.
Gotta love a cheeky grommet. Especially one that obviously is extremely intelligent.
Probably learned it from his dad who tried to learn how to windsurf, found it too difficult, and gave it up for kiting.
So yeah, corruption w/in the family structure.