Hey everybody. I've been researching this problem for a while and I'm surprised I have not be able to find an answer to what I think is a seemingly simple problem. I have a old bic windsurf board that has a significant crack along the siderail and bottom. It actually feel from it's storage position on my porch and hit the grill. I know, I know. It was a dumb move. Anyway, I can find videos and instructions on how to fix fiberglass boards all day long, but I have not been able to find anything on how to fix this board. I'm actually not even sure what type of material the board is. I can see the core is some type of styrofoam, but I'm pretty sure the outer shell is NOT fiberglass. Can someone here point me in the right direction? It's way too nice out for me to NOT be on the water!! Thanks in advance.
Looks like an old BIC 250 by the shape of the back end. They are a Plastic injected molded board. Fibreglass should fix the problem quite well.
Nothing wrong with sailing the oldies. But might be cheaper to find another newer board in your local trading post over there. The fibreglass might be worth more than a newer board in the end if you decide to fix the problem.
Raggy is correct to repair a thermo plastic board like the old bics you will need to plastic weld it. Resin will not stick
You can buy ABS strips used for welding and then all you will need is a very large soldering iron to melt the surrounding plastic and melt in the abs plastic strip
Go to your local recycle centre and you should be able to do a swap for an undamaged one . Seriously the trouble and cost is not worth the board. You can pick up something similar for less than $50 in fact most likely free .If you were in Victoria I would give you mine .
Just realized your in the USA . There will be literally thousands of these types of boards going to land fill or free .
And the heat from plastic welding will melt the foam underneath. By the looks of that crack the plastic has gone brittle. I don't think it would last very long even if you manage to fix it.
Sorry, but I think this board has reached it's use by date.