I recently had a chance to try out the modified tail of my 2016 iso, and have to say that (at my level) cut outs and cut aways don't do a damn thing to improve the handling at all. Very happy with the performance and the gybe arc is absolutely superb. Just my opinion, but these gimicks just don't interest me any more!
Careful Pepe, you will end up with a board that looks like one of my dinosaurs from when you were young and good looking
By handling do you mean control? I don't think the purpose of the cut out's have ever been for better control. I thought it was for a board riding with higher nose? Freer board, so maybe less control.
The topic of cutouts came up the other day and thinking about it I realised I couldn't say, without looking, whether the board I've been sailing for the last two years did or didn't have them! Had to check the back of the van, yes the 2016 Tabou Speedster has vestigial cutouts.
On some boards the cutouts are tiny , I seen on one a triangle the size of half a matchbox on either side , there is no way you could feel them . They would be for looks only .
I thought cutouts were to reduce the wetted area and therefore the drag of the rear of the board in a straight line. I don't believe they are there to help turning. That's my understanding of it anyway.
I think they were and are gimmicks, cut outs .
Pepe47 going way back and off track.......any updates on the
LDV G10 conversion?
I am about to purchase the 9 seater and your advise is invaluable best on www by far
I too was sceptical re cut outs so I took my old 2015 Isonic 107 which had the v tail and double step cutout and filled in one of the cut out steps and filled in the in the tail section like the 2017 iso.
The board rode flatter, felt more comforatble in the chop and gybed better but it felt sticky and slower.
The SB blurb said they increased cut out size area for 2017 which I didnt do.
So in my opionion cut outs work but i am sure the same effect could be obtained with different designs but I guess designers want to make incremental changes rather than a clean sheet approach.
That's right Col, they'd have f##* all to do next year on the new models. Tabou rockets were a good example as they only did graphics until the wide model was brought out. Still love the rockets!
What board was it 20years that had cutouts about half way back, I was thinking it was tiga
helped the board plane earlier. (So they said)
waterplanes also use steps in the in the floats to unstick them from the water. I think the problems was they suck in air which traveled back to fin causing it to loose grip.
Mike Davis had the "Ski Tail" on his earlier slalom boards which was a 15cm or so wide section that stayed flat all the way to the tail but either side of that the foam was sanded gradually back to the tail that left a raised section about 2-3cm. Tom Leudecke used it to win the Guam Cup back in the 80's. Ive got a picture of one of my old MD boards around somewhere.
I think it's also interesting that they went from 20mm deep cut outs one year to 10mm the very next year. Or am I being overly suspicious?!
Cutouts look flash and sell . It's not something that jumps to mind when building a board .
I have a older Formula board that not only has multiple cutouts and various angles and dangles And is about as spectacular as a rear end can get , ( and I still hate it ) , and there is no way I could feel what's going on compared to a smooth average of that shape .
Ive happily used many boards with and without cutouts .
I now have four favourite boards that cover everything from wild to float and none have cutouts .
Well one does , a slalom F2 but that's in its plan shape , not a 10 mm deep cutout .
Im no expert , average at best .