Big rig Formula - Botany Bay
It looks like Sunday will be a nice day to be on the water. SeaBreeze and BOM both agree that it looks like it will be 10-15kts from the south(ish).
Unless Mothers Day festivities (or my wifes interpretation of such) cause "issues" for me, I shall be at Brighton LeSands (Carpark of the Grand Parade and Emmaline St - referred to as "The New Spot") getting there sometime between midday and 1pm.
Be there or don't be there (it will be your loss, not mine).
You are indeed wise 555. But I do have permission so unless I do something stupid beforehand, I will be there.
Unless I do something stupid...
Sounds like you guys are lining up for a "we need to talk" situation, whether you get permission or not !
Looks like some " Love is in the Air " (these few words must be sung)
Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Be there for what? If its a bit windy on Sunday I wouldn't mind going for a sail (actually I am dead keen to go).
Is there something you want to reveal to the world Stewie?
C'mon, you can tell me, I wont tell anyone.
G'day JB
I won't be there. I failed to negotiate permission.
We do have a new pommie girl that has started working for us and is a keen windsurfer. I'll send her down.
Where do you come up with these sayings! That one's great but probably not going to improve my case.
I always seem to fall back's easier to ask forgiveness than ask permission.
that seems to work sometimes, however I recomend you have a comfy bed in the spare bedroom.
Don't give up. Consider bribery, hypnosis, divorce, or distraction with a "big deal". i.e. make up something outrageous such that your absence will seem trivial by comparison - a tsunami warning, declaration of war, cancer diagnosis, psychotic episode, the mafia has a contract, your mum had a heart attack... You know what I mean.
it's only a rumor but I hear her dad own a brewery and her rich uncle just died and she's his favorite niece