Hi all,
I was windfoiling and came into the beach to adjust my gear. When coming back out I let the nose of the board drag down the sand, which was I thought just clean sand (lesson learnt). I must have hit a sharp shell or something because I've got two pretty nasty scratches about 3cm long on the nose of the board. You can see at least with the front scratch where whatever it was seems to have actually cut into the board, more than just scratching the paint.
Is this something that will compromise the integrity of the board, and if so should I repair it with some epoxy or something (suggestions welcome)?
You maybe lucky that looks a bit like bog. is there any sign of fibers in that white stuff?
Fibers are what gives the board strength, bog is just to fill in low spots.
Did you do a suck test? Wrap your lips round the mark and suck, if there is air coming out. waters getting in, and needs a patch up. If no air comes out it's a cosmetic war-wound you could leave alone or get painted.
I would leave the board in the sun for a while, see if any water or bubbles come out the cracks . Push on the crack see if it moves, if not,it could be just a scratch. You could fill with body filler or glasing putty, sand and paint. If the board is cracked leaking water, you will have to dry the board out and glass and paint. Good thing to learn proper repairs before the board gets heavy.
as far as dents go lot depends on the construction. If it's carbon, it will be very stiff, and carbon just springs back into place, so you don't see a dent, and it might not feel all that soft, but if it is catapult damage, it will be softer than the surrounding area.
Big hit = bend = crack.
Even with a protector
I say grind back and glass it proper.
No bunnings resin though!
So I tried the suck test and couldn't get anything out of it. Pretty sure it's watertight.
I also got the mast out and checked to see the angle the mast came down. It doesn't quite line up. I suppose it could have caused crush damage that caused the cracks lower down but the top of the board is absolutely rock solid.
So I just chucked some ding repair tape on it and went out again on Friday, when I cut a small chunk of my shin out on the foil. That'll teach me. Probably should start wearing a wetsuit. Anyway I reckon the board is good but thanks for all the advice!