Who were the windies out in Sydney harbour near manly/spitbridge today? They were absolutely hauling arse, very cool to watch! One guy was doing turns at full speed and spraying water about 5metres high right in front of the cliffs. Bloody awesome keep up the good work.
I was out from 1 to 4pm sailing around North Harbour today.
Not sure I put up 5 meters worth of spray, although I might have got close with a lovely full speed catapult after hitting a half submerged spray jacket Thought I'd hit a cargo container the way I went over the handlebars! Flipped the board over fully expecting to see its innards through a missing fin box or at best a jagged splinter where the fin used to be. What I found was the jacket still wrapped around the fin. And no, there wasn't a body in it either. Might have explained the emergency braking and made a better story though.....
Also GPSTC sailor Leo was out as well, see:
Glad they entertained you