I want a freed ride fin for my 105 FSW stubby. What is the difference between these two fins?
Early planning?
Look into my eyese Little grasshopper and you will find the true meaning of hydronamics
i have serious doubt that most, hardly anyone would be able to declare which fin in the same size was underneath their feet Of these 2.
generally speaking, FWIW, IMO, at this point in time to the best of my recollections, the MUF, is a better all round fin. The MFC is a good fin, in my inventory still, but I seldom use the size I have, think it's 40cm.
they both should do what you asked, early planing and speed. To go faster a even more slalom designed fin would be needed.
Black Project Fins, would be on a level teir with MUF, MFC only slightly lower
One's a 36, the other appears to be a 28.
Too easy
OK I'll put more info down.
You can write a book on fins and how important they are to the performance of a board.
I'll give a snippet of what to look for.
The 36cm fin has some good qualities compared to the 28cm fin:
Earlier planning due to longer fin and more surface area. Therefore it will push the board onto the plan quicker.
You will also notice the 36cm fin carries the more vertical plan-shape to the tip giving even more lift.
I also like G10 much more over a moulded fin. The 36cm is G10, the 28cm appears to be a moulded fin.
Moulded fins damage way easier than G10 and G10 wears much better as well if your fin drags on the sand.
Also if you know what you are doing you can also reshape G10 fins, not so moulded fins.
Now to speed and control:
The smaller fin will have way better control in higher winds due to less depth and area and plan shape of the fin tip.
Control = better speed.
More area than is needed = drag. Drag decreases speed.
You haven't shown a view from the front of the fin which would show the thickness of the fins and where the thickness is placed in the vertical sense.
A thick foil lifts the board onto the plan quicker than a fine foil.
A fine foil has the capacity to be faster if done well.
I'd buy a few fins for the board and learn for yourself.
You will also enjoy the better wind range that you get from having the choice.
. The mfc liquid pro is a g10 fin and available in both tuttle and power box. Very fast fin and a great way to soften the ride of a dedicated slalom board.
Can't comment on the muf, as I haven't used that type. But muf make some great fins including the "delta" and the "ride".
If they were both the same size, what difference results from the shape. Ie the muf is fatter in the top half
If they were both the same size, what difference results from the shape. Ie the muf is fatter in the top half
Up wind or down wind
ocean or flat water ?
if I had speed in mind..and needed to point up wind ..... ultra.....x ride ...
if I was down wind racing and needed control in CHOPPY HARD CORE .conditions the other one . MFC.
The Techtronic Falcon G10 fin for pure comfort and top end is impossible to beat.
Must be 10 years plus old.
Especially good deep off the wind in big chop. The stronger the wind - the better its performance.
Downside - lacks power thru the lulls and upwind is so - so.
The sort of fin you can sail for hours without your legs getting tired.
If mowing the lawn on basically flat water go for the pointer.
If trying to get planing in marginal conditions, big sails go for the pointer.
If anything to do with waves, swell, big chop go for the surfboard style fin.