Any tips appreciated on fitting a new Chinook Tuttle box
Hit a turtle and wrecked the box on my trusty old AHD
I've cheked out the Boardlady site
Do I set it in divinicell or would plywood do?
Also I can only get standard tuttlebox anyone know where I can get a Deep Tuttlebox
Can't see anything wrong with plywood apart from weight. There are no rules really.
(Speaking of breaking rules, that snapped sh!tbox tabou I posted about last year that I repaired 'like a boss' is still going strong and is still the Old Mans No.1 board. Those who know his sailing will know that that repair was structurally top shelf. )
Barn : 1
Board Repair Nazis: 0
i recon ply wood would be fine , on one of mine i just cut the exact size of the box and put it straight into the high density foam that was already there , worked fine .
This is one company that supplies Tuttle boxes already in a high density foam block.
Thanx heaps for replies, also found this thread here very helpful
Yes thanx FormulaNova I agree,
I've only wrecked the actual box while Actionmax did major damage to the surrounding area.
Try contacting Steve Stratfold (08 9314 6566). He recently installed a new Tuttle Box for me and did an outstanding job. I know he's in the wrong state for you, but he might be forthcoming with good advice.