I'd carefully unstitch the sail. Keep the strands, fold all the individual panels, mail them seperate. Then get a needle and stitch it back together. It will only take you a couple days but will save you a couple bucks easy.
I use the computer web site, I have given you my dimensions prior, for clarity I write again,
fedex tracking and rates. It asks for the info , you fill in the areas, this requires only postal codes and dimensions. It is not a business or commercial rate quote, to obtain that one would have to put the account number in, at that point it 'would' obtain a discount, the particulars of the account will vary, minimum is 4% less.
using n0k 1e0. To h1l 1j4
90" long 6X 6 500 value. 16lbs Drop off at FedEx location .Ground service, leave the residence delivery blank, let them figure it out.
the shipping estimate is $40.40 CDN.
the FedEx location will measure and weight , so it can vary slightly, the length and width account for a surcharge over just the weight.
if your shipper is unable to drop off, they will pick it up, additional charge. You can also have it delivered and held for pickup at your convince at the local FedEx facility. a signature may be required on delivery.
This process is easy, it gets complicated when shipping international.
of note, HSM, dont box sails, they are shipped in a plastic sleeve, bag, I use the same method, i cut cardboard to lay on both ends and tape, covering the end and overlap down say 4", provides some cushion.
The bottom line on this thread is the OP
needs some help, and shipping options, that are quite low. And and and
To realise that removing battens and folding the sail( which considering the Superfreak) won't leave any lasting marks, is while the cheapest way , not the most practical.
im not interested in the forum matron position, it appears to be taken securely.
Other threads are available for your humor.
bottom of the bottom line
I called, not sure the number you need , mine is 800 463.3339
automated answers, when questioned about what you want say rate quote.
The auomated message will continue with bla bla bla...say CUSTOMER SERVICE , repeat as necessary until, it acknowledges , something like .. I will transfer your call. At this stage after holding, for me less than 2minutes, you will speak to a human. Ask to haven a rate quote estimate.
when asked if you have a account, say no, and again ask for a quote.
12x12 is far too large, use 6x6 and provide the from too details , weight Etc.
the quote I got to a residence was$44.22 CAD , for ground, the most expensive priority was 1 dat@ $78CAD.
You don't need to talk to anyone.
- Open the fedEx web pack
- Click on "Ship", this opens a window, then click on "Get Rates & Transit Times" (no account number is required)
- Complete your From and To address info. (Dublin Ontario is too small a town - ask your seller to take the package to the FedEx office in Kitchener about 10km away)
- Add weight (10kgs), Enter "shipping date", Select "Drop of package" and click "Get detailed quote"
- Select "Your packaging" and enter Length (230cm) x Width (20cm) x Height (20cm). Add value of the sail and click on "Continue"
- Click on "End of day (1 business day) / fedEx Ground / $22.55
- click on Ship
- Complete Address info and click "continue"
- Complete shipment details and click "continue"
- Complete payment details and click "continue"
- Complete Confirmation info
Agree rest the case.
shipping does frequently enter into our stuff.
i use FedEx a lot, and not hard to deal with at all. I can pre print and do all charges at home, so all I do is drop off.
of course you will need, hopefully to report on the Superfreak on the water !!!!
Il y a plusieurs boutiques de planche à voile au Québec Pourquoi acheter en Ontario ? Et pourquoi utiliser un site australien pour bloguer? De quelle sorte de voile parlons-nous ? Pourquoi ne pas appeler la compagnie qui fabrique la voile et leurs demander? Ils sauraient beaucoup mieux que tout les experts par ici...
could waytata be a troll ??
check posts !!
Francone's first language is Italian and NOT French
just becuz we are in Quebec means we speak French, butt ...
and hope we are still welcome to ask questions here ?? --> pourquoi utiliser un site australien pour bloguer
too much hidden negativity
a lot of religions seem to have roots in the middle East
English was not the language of Moses nor Mohamed
ni francais
und auch kein Deutsch
Any updates?
Did the sail get delivered? Did it get folded? Was the sail ok? How many packages did it go in? How much did it cost? Would you do it again?
After a lot of debate, it would be good to hear how it went.
On folding I just sold a kayak enthusiast a 1984 De Vries 4.2m2 powerhead wave sail two head battens, two short leach battens for $50 it was still beautifully folded, top condition and had never been used, and I had picked it up, as an adjunct with some other gear I acquired. The new buyer was going to use it on his kayak for sailing out to divespots...there is a new market for these old sails so folding is not a joke. Now don't laugh about folding this was the way it was done in the 1980s infact it was much easier carting and storing gear in cars in the old days without battens, the battens being easily removed. Maybe one day materials will be so advanced, that battens will become obsolete and we will be able to fold again ! I would not fold new sails today but old sails folded brilliantly. I do have some folded 1984 bombora (Gaastra made in HK designed Kevin Wadham) 4.5 m2 and 5.5 m2 and I could actually offer them to Francone. Francone do you still need folded sails ?
Fold it, but don't crush the folds, as the kevlar reinforcement can delaminate if pressure is applied to crease the fold. Folding for one shipment is not problem, don't crease, don't crush the folds. Yes, it's dacron and vinyl window.