Forums > Windsurfing General

Freestyle vid from main page

Created by Haircut > 9 months ago, 5 Mar 2014
QLD, 6481 posts
6 Mar 2014 12:26AM
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This is from the seabreeze main page but for some reason the link didn't work for me there.

some of the moves by the man with the good tan (is it Hugo de Sousa?) have gone to another level again. how can the average person keep up with this stuff

WA, 3469 posts
6 Mar 2014 12:51AM
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WA, 112 posts
6 Mar 2014 7:28AM
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not bad eh. Took me 3 years to learn vulcans. Once upon a time if you could loop and duck gybe you were a beach god, looks like I need a bit more time on the water, heli-tacks just dont cut it any more.

WA, 2321 posts
6 Mar 2014 7:45AM
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Great movie, thanks for posting. The two Swiss guys are good, bug Hugo de Souza is freaking amazing. Not sure what's most impressive - the height on his second pops, his triple pop, or the Air Kabikuchis. It is only a question of time until he'll take the crown from Kiri!

NSW, 9202 posts
6 Mar 2014 5:59PM
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The second blurry, spinny thing was even more impressive than the first!

I have no idea what they're doing anymore. All I can see is: back-winded > pop > loop > reverse >huh > what?
It's more complicated than skateboarding.

shear tip
NSW, 1125 posts
7 Mar 2014 12:10AM
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Looks like a great speed spot too...


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Freestyle vid from main page" started by Haircut