I have Power Director 16. How do you straighten the horizon in clips without getting weird shaped videos?
I can rotate them but then you get hexagon or weird shapes..I don't want to take the horizon out , just straighten it.
you mean you get a hex shape because of the black triangles in the corners of the video due to rotating it? If thats the case then just zoom the video in slightly to push the black bars outside of the view able space.
You can "move" the shape of the image so the bottom of the video is in frame (assume that is where the horizon is) and pushes the sky out of the top.
More info in this doc download.cyberlink.com/ftpdload/user_guide/powerdirector/16/PowerDirector_16_UG-ENU.pdf
Check page 163 as you can even distort the shape of the image...
Ok now I get it, you want to rotate image and remove the fish eye effect. Rotating image you know how, fish eye removal you may be able to do...
Here some info the last post on page forum.cyberlink.com/forum/posts/list/24153.page
"You can use Studio to remove "fisheye" (And it works great) but you have to import a GoPro camera file for the [Fisheye Removal] option to show in the "Advanced" box.
If you import another file type, or modify the camera's original file, then import it into Studio, that option (Remove Fisheye) won't show in the "Advanced" window.
BTW: If you do process your file to remove "fisheye", try clicking on the [Protune] icon (in lower right) to enhance the video.
I makes a rather dull video "blossom out" Not for everybody, but some may like the effect? Worth a try!Ageing Gracefully"
Looks to also be options in gopro studio but thats another app you have to install and get used to...
Also just search the help in PowerDirector for Fish Eye... see what you get back...
I dont have PowerStudio so I cant help you much more... good luck!
Get the new GoPro MAX (360 dergree) Sue, and you can twist and turn the Picture any way you want i any direction. Go on, It's only money, you know you wnt to!