Looks like a great day ahead tomorrow for trying Neil St. Any local knowledge for Moffats reef out there or is it just a matter of not bouncing of the hard stuff? Is there anyone thinking of heading up from Brisy?
There were 3/4? guys out at Neil street yesterday, fair bit of south in it so not much wind in close, using 5.0/ 5.5m sizes. I sat around thinking about it too long and the wind looked like it was dropping off. Should have gone out,
how was it Adrian? would I have been ok on my 5.8m?
Yes Saturday was good with the 5.5 & 95 litre board. Kelly you would have had no problems with the 5.8.
Sunday morning was even better as the swell & waves had picked up. Unfortunately I didn't get down to Neil St until about 1pm & the wind had dropped. I went out with a 6.5 & had trouble planing. I found it too tricky in the big swell so I gave it away.