That's great! I remember I prepaid for the repair in full. I also paid for shipping. I moved to Seattle, USA, when are you sending it to me?
Nice man
It actually was quite a bit more work so can you pay for the extra first? And I did manage to get the fin set and bag in stock after all, so you just owe me $400 first.
UPS will deliver. And their vans look cool in an abduction spy kind of way. It used to be cheap import/ export from USA. Used to collect antique arcade machines. It now costs $ zillion to ship a ping pong ball. ?? or $25 US for a good quality foosball table ball. I **** you not. Good quality foosball table balls are hard to find. Could have hijacked this thread cos I'm drinking..sorry.
Dunno ! Now , don't know if it's an urban myth , but I've heard for small items , ( not a sail ) , that posting from WA to VIC , it goes the long way around the globe and gets there in five days. Same as a big item on a perfect day. I've got junk from China in 10 to 90 days for standard post. Kids these days !,,