Left behind on the footpath after trying to sail that crap seebreeze we got today. Blue/black Prolimit. No name on it. Realised I had left it there as soon as I drove into my driveway - after driving through 1 hour of traffic. I had the white North sail, JP board and white legs.
Lost harnesses from city locations. Second incident in two days. Not much chance of getting them back considering the number of freaks, bogans and sic dudes that inhabit the cities of this wide brown land.
You forgot Metro's -Perhaps I should check the gyms in the area for anyone wearing it as a weight belt.
Its a long shot and I will have to buy another next time its windy (maybe tomorrow).
Oh no..i just had a vision of a bogan going to work on my T3 with a pair of scissors in an attempt to fashion a pair of velcro strapped ug boots, or maybe he's using it as a burnout pad for his dato 120y.
Thanks for the crew that picked up my harness and for RPS for letting me know and losing a sale in the process.
Nice one. Restores your faith in human nature. What destroys that faith is watching drivers in Sydney traffic giving each other the finger coz they get in their way.