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Forums > Windsurfing General

Heart rate while sailing

Created by sboardcrazy > 9 months ago, 10 Jan 2020
NSW, 8094 posts
10 Jan 2020 9:12AM
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I've often toyed with the idea of getting some sort of heart rate monitor to see how much energy I'm really using sailing.. can't justify the cost though..
Anyone used one when sailing?
What sort of rates were you getting?
I suppose there are heaps of variables , wind strength , chop , whether you sail waves or flatwater ,how powered up you are , how fit , whether you've just seen a fin etc..
I'd be interested to get a few examples..

QLD, 4046 posts
10 Jan 2020 8:20AM
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I have worn one a few times when racing. Overlaying graphs of speed and heart rated match, going fast downwind it would increase, going slower upwind it would fall. Overall during a 30 or 40 minute race it was close to max ie 175bpm

VIC, 5049 posts
10 Jan 2020 9:20AM
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A cruising session.

Some jumps and waves.

NSW, 178 posts
10 Jan 2020 10:50AM
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Good heart rate monitors are excellent at immediate feedback on your stress levels (exercise stress included) but are fairly inaccurate at determining calorie burn. There are just too many variables.
I've tried couple of times to use a wearable (chest) sensor to see what my HR variability was during a windsurf session as well as peak HR and average HR.
The data were valid and interesting but of little use. For me it is just another thing to distract you from "being in the moment". Like so many uses of metrics today, it's not the gathering of the data that's difficult, it's the understanding and utilisation of it that's difficult.

The sceptic/distrust of big data companies in me also thinks that uploading any personal health information to "helpful apps" could come back to bite you down the track.

Aldi sell waterproof HR monitoring watches and wearables every year, dirt cheap and backed by warranty, I would start there before you spend the ridiculous money people spend on devices that tell them how many steps, flights of stairs, sleep time, sedentary time etc...... they have done.
If/when the GPSTC creators allow "other devices" I recommend Garmin or Suunto products if you really want to go deep and have an all in one unit.

VIC, 1508 posts
10 Jan 2020 11:42AM
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I sailed with my chest sensor HR monitor and watch that I usually only use for running the other day. I too was interested to see what HR max and variability there would be. B&J session, with one stop back on the beach.

I barely looked at the readout during the session, but the occasional glance did confirm how I was feeling at the time- cruisy- HR in the moderate range (128-145bpm), shagged- HR in the maximal effort range (165-183,but never at HR max of 183). Interesting to see your performance after the event.

I have found that when I'm in the waves I have to focus on relaxing and getting my HR and breathing rate down to conserve energy, and to get a longer session. So a bit like yoga on the water, heading out the back and recovering. Haven't used the monitor in waves yet, but I'd like to see some confirmation that the reason I'm shagged is because my HR has been up there in the extreme range, and that I can consciously recover asap.

QLD, 1404 posts
11 Jan 2020 5:10AM
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As a kiter and sailboarder I know how much more strenuous sailing is to kiting. While kiting my HR rarely exceeds 100bpm and often not more than walking where sailing puts it up over 100bpm most of the time.
This is a kiting session, the end bit was probably walking up the beach.

QLD, 7428 posts
11 Jan 2020 11:16AM
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^ No kitemare in that session then.

AUS 808
WA, 480 posts
11 Jan 2020 1:04PM
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airsail said..
As a kiter and sailboarder I know how much more strenuous sailing is to kiting. While kiting my HR rarely exceeds 100bpm and often not more than walking where sailing puts it up over 100bpm most of the time.
This is a kiting session, the end bit was probably walking up the beach.

Showa how extreme kiting is compared to windsurfing
Looks like you were just about asleep

NSW, 8094 posts
11 Jan 2020 4:44PM
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Interesting Thanks guys. Keep posting..
I figured sailing got the heart rate up and burned calories as I can easily lose weight if I sail a few times a week.

VIC, 6155 posts
12 Jan 2020 12:57AM
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Anxiety get the heart rate up too.... Just sayin'......

1089 posts
12 Jan 2020 12:27AM
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sboardcrazy said..
Interesting Thanks guys. Keep posting..
I figured sailing got the heart rate up and burned calories as I can easily lose weight if I sail a few times a week.

I had a heart monitor with my GPS for a few years and the range was widely dependent on what I was doing. Slalom racing I peaked at 160-175, cruising around 100-120. But calories you use! Mid summer, when I sail 4-5 days a week I cannot keep up calories consumption and I loose weight!

QLD, 1404 posts
12 Jan 2020 7:04AM
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AUS 808 said..

airsail said..
As a kiter and sailboarder I know how much more strenuous sailing is to kiting. While kiting my HR rarely exceeds 100bpm and often not more than walking where sailing puts it up over 100bpm most of the time.
This is a kiting session, the end bit was probably walking up the beach.

Showa how extreme kiting is compared to windsurfing
Looks like you were just about asleep

Definitely not going to get fit Kiting, but we do have some older guys who still get their sessions in in their 70's so a good option when sailing just gets too hard.

QLD, 581 posts
12 Jan 2020 9:44AM
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I can feel my heartbeat at times when sailing in light wind after pumping up onto the plane so I told my doc he said it's fine. I think it flushes out the arteries

NSW, 8094 posts
12 Jan 2020 11:09AM
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I don't usually fall in much but changing now I'm doing B & j I am . I am certainly noticing my lack of fitness! I'm gradually improving although we don't really get strong winds often enough to get fit for it..


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Heart rate while sailing" started by sboardcrazy