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Forums > Windsurfing General

How to take batten out of cammed sail

Created by sboardcrazy > 9 months ago, 15 Mar 2016
NSW, 8094 posts
15 Mar 2016 3:51PM
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I've been trying to loosen the batten tensioner with the alum key but it doesn't seem to work - both directions..Maybe a stripped tensioner?
The cord is on so tightly I can't prise it off..Its a Naish bullit and I want to get the batten out and maybe replace it with one of my severne ones. You can't adjust the batten + I suspect its too short.

QLD, 3424 posts
15 Mar 2016 3:06PM
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naish battens (I seem to recall) turn the opposite to normal.

you should be turning clockwise to unscrew and at the same time pushing on the allen key to be able to remove the cord with a small flat screwdriver.

NSW, 8094 posts
15 Mar 2016 4:12PM
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seanhogan said..
naish battens (I seem to recall) turn the opposite to normal.

you should be turning clockwise to unscrew and at the same time pushing on the allen key to be able to remove the cord with a small flat screwdriver.

I can turn it anticlockwise but nothing much happens.. Too tight to turn clockwise even using pliers to hold the tensioner flat..

QLD, 3424 posts
15 Mar 2016 3:29PM
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well when you can turn it do you see the bolt coming towards you or going more into the batten ?

If nothing really happens, the thread is shot, but it that case it should turn freely both ways.

spray some wd40 inside, let it soak and try again.

NSW, 8094 posts
15 Mar 2016 5:03PM
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Well a man's strength worked where a woman's technique didn't.. No wonder it didn't work. Tensioner looks dead as does the other end of the batten. Not sure if I need to try and get the fragments out of the Cam end? Probably hard to and the pocket is pretty wide...?

Tensioner end

Cammed end..

Boy if I can fix this I'll be laughing.
I've always loved the lightness of this sail and its tough build but it's never rotated correctly and this batten couldn't be tensioned so it's been flat and gutless. If I can fix it it will probably be my favourite sail!
Are these battens typical- rod one end with a rod tapering into rectangular at the other?
I'm not sure if the severnes will do the job...?
Wet outside so will have a look tomorrow..

NSW, 3082 posts
15 Mar 2016 5:59PM
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Quick way to find out. Ring Windsurfnsnow on 02 9971 0999. They are a Naish stockist and should be able to point you in the right direction. The importer is also in the neighbourhood. Simples.
And yes the tube battens are typical in a lot of sail brands.

NSW, 8094 posts
15 Mar 2016 7:06PM
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ka43 said..
Quick way to find out. Ring Windsurfnsnow on 02 9971 0999. They are a Naish stockist and should be able to point you in the right direction. The importer is also in the neighbourhood. Simples.
And yes the tube battens are typical in a lot of sail brands.

Wow thanks!.. Will suss out the battens from my old severnes but if that looks too much hassle will chase them up.

5107 posts
15 Mar 2016 4:18PM
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Naish .batten tensioner s turn clockwise to loosen ..and then there is the loop that has to be flipped off the batten tensioner ..I used pliers they where still bloody tight after letting the tension off ,I hit the batten in a bit to get it off .
I used north battens but anything will do so long as the tubes are the same length long and it won't belly the sail up as good.

I just replaced 3 this week wave three battens buy the looks of that tensioner you had a time getting it off.

TAS, 507 posts
15 Mar 2016 8:33PM
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sboardcrazy said..
Not sure if I need to try and get the fragments out of the Cam end? Probably hard to and the pocket is pretty wide...?

Definitely get all the remains of the dead batten tip out. Unpick the stitching on one side of the projecting pocket end, remove pieces, re-sew.

You can sew it up by hand with a sailmakers needle and waxed hand seaming twine. Normally a 'sailmaker's palm' would be used to push the needle through. You will be doing so few stitches though you can get by with a sturdy needle of any kind, careful use of a bit of wood to push the needle through and dental floss for thread.

WA, 372 posts
15 Mar 2016 7:18PM
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I just replaced a batten. The original had a plastic film heat shrink over the end so even though the fibreglass tip was broken right where it went in the cam, the plastic film hung on so it pulled out in one piece. The replacement didnt have film, so put a strip of electricsl tape over it, hopefully i wont break it again, but if i do i hope the tape hangs on.

134 posts
15 Mar 2016 9:02PM
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Dear Friend,

North Sails batten tensioneers are best. I use this type of batten tensioneers in my home made sails. Very strong material and bolt is made of chrom nickel. I am mailing you a photo.

NSW, 8094 posts
16 Mar 2016 8:03AM
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Tardy said..
Naish .batten tensioner s turn clockwise to loosen ..and then there is the loop that has to be flipped off the batten tensioner ..I used pliers they where still bloody tight after letting the tension off ,I hit the batten in a bit to get it off .
I used north battens but anything will do so long as the tubes are the same length long and it won't belly the sail up as good.

I just replaced 3 this week wave three battens buy the looks of that tensioner you had a time getting it off.

Probably the last few months of trying to figure out how to get the thing to tighten.. He did use a lot of force with the sail lying on the ground and a large screwdriver.. Is it re usable or I wonder if a severne tensioner will work..

NSW, 8094 posts
16 Mar 2016 8:05AM
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saltyheaven said..

sboardcrazy said..
Not sure if I need to try and get the fragments out of the Cam end? Probably hard to and the pocket is pretty wide...?

Definitely get all the remains of the dead batten tip out. Unpick the stitching on one side of the projecting pocket end, remove pieces, re-sew.

You can sew it up by hand with a sailmakers needle and waxed hand seaming twine. Normally a 'sailmaker's palm' would be used to push the needle through. You will be doing so few stitches though you can get by with a sturdy needle of any kind, careful use of a bit of wood to push the needle through and dental floss for thread.

Bugger.. sounds like a lousy job. Lucky the winds gone awol so I won't likely need the sail for a while..

NSW, 8094 posts
16 Mar 2016 8:38AM
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Ok here is the severne batten I'm hoping to use to replace the Naish. It's longer so I can cut some off..

It's different at the tensioner end .The Naish ( top batten ) has a longer thin bit before the round tubing - I've just poked the Naish tensioner on as its broken so it may not be exactly the usual length...One potential problem with the severne tensioner is that the naish cord is a lot bigger / I'm not sure if it will fit. The Naish tensioner is pretty stuffed at the RH end.Can I still use it? ( see last pic).
Does the length of the tubing differing matter? The way they don't line up...I can't extend the Severne batten to match the Naish..

Can I still use this tensioner? ( below)

I'll probably get a sailmaker to unstitch the batten pocket to get out the broken bits. You also have to unstitch the Luff overlay to get under it to access the batten end..

NSW, 8094 posts
16 Mar 2016 8:56AM
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If you only need to pack out the length difference and it doesn't need to be all one piece I can just cut a small section the right length and pack it inside the tensioner to line up the profiles?

NSW, 3082 posts
16 Mar 2016 10:41AM
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Unless you find out the differences between the two you could make your sail feel VERY different.
Like masts, sail designers and makers use their own battens to make the sail work as designed.
Putting a batten from a different manufacturer in your sail could be like putting Mini tyres on a Ferrari.

NSW, 216 posts
16 Mar 2016 10:47AM
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I think you should just sell it to me CHEAP to go with my 7.0 and I'll fix it - I have a shed full of Severne batterns because all 3 of my Severne sails are ruined (poor quality and manufacturing) anyway Sue just an option PS: Should have come to Coal Point on Saturday lol

NSW, 8094 posts
16 Mar 2016 11:55AM
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Tinlyds said..
I think you should just sell it to me CHEAP to go with my 7.0 and I'll fix it - I have a shed full of Severne batterns because all 3 of my Severne sails are ruined (poor quality and manufacturing) anyway Sue just an option PS: Should have come to Coal Point on Saturday lol

Well I was considering but after the Coal Pt comment you've ruined your chances..

NSW, 216 posts
16 Mar 2016 12:27PM
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That should only add 10% to the value

NSW, 8094 posts
16 Mar 2016 2:24PM
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Rang Chris at windsurfnsnow and he was very helpful.Said so long as each segment is the same length and same type/ Profile of batten it should work well.Sails in to get the splinters removed and I'll fix the batten once home.

NSW, 8094 posts
17 Mar 2016 10:08AM
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seanhogan said...
naish battens (I seem to recall) turn the opposite to normal.

you should be turning clockwise to unscrew and at the same time pushing on the allen key to be able to remove the cord with a small flat screwdriver.

Easy peasy when the tensioners work!

NSW, 8094 posts
20 Mar 2016 3:33PM
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Well I stuffed that job up..I think it may have gone astray for 2 reasons - my partner came in half way through and cut down my carefully measured batten bit ( & I didn't realise) + the cam wasn't pushed onto the batten properly which put out the measurements- anyway end story is the batten is too short and I used a few small bits to pack into the tensioner and it all bent under pressure.. ..Have to buy a batten + a naish tensioner as I tried to use a severne one but that didn't work very well.It was designed for a narrower cord and you couldn't file it out as it would have lacked strength.
I've posted a new topic to try and work out what's going on with the sail.
Below - this is just the stuff up I made trying to pack out the length in the tensioner with small bits of batten ( once I found the batten was too short). I'll have to buy one full batten again + Naish tensioner


Forums > Windsurfing General

"How to take batten out of cammed sail" started by sboardcrazy