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Forums > Windsurfing General

Hunter Express

Created by jn1 > 9 months ago, 26 Mar 2019
SA, 2525 posts
26 Mar 2019 8:51PM
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Gooold !

Orange Whip
QLD, 1056 posts
27 Mar 2019 6:21AM
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And of course this sort of thing never ever happens with any other freight company? FFS.

QLD, 4867 posts
27 Mar 2019 8:23AM
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Hunter totally lost a board of mine . They tracked it half way to me then nothing . Never got it or any compensation , ( apart from refunding the shipping cost ) . After lots of phone calls to lots of different departments , ( and none of them seemingly giving a toss) , i gave up . It seems to be my fault for not insuring . It was a $400 board . So i have no problems bagging them.

SA, 4097 posts
27 Mar 2019 11:39AM
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Imax1 said..
Hunter totally lost a board of mine . They tracked it half way to me then nothing . Never got it or any compensation , ( apart from refunding the shipping cost ) . After lots of phone calls to lots of different departments , ( and none of them seemingly giving a toss) , i gave up . It seems to be my fault for not insuring . It was a $400 board . So i have no problems bagging them.

Have faith, I had a mast go missing and 6 months later received a call from outback Queensland freight company saying it had been there the whole time lol

TAS, 979 posts
27 Mar 2019 12:18PM
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From what I can work out, Hunter Express run e-go.


QLD, 4867 posts
27 Mar 2019 11:29AM
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choco said..

Imax1 said..
Hunter totally lost a board of mine . They tracked it half way to me then nothing . Never got it or any compensation , ( apart from refunding the shipping cost ) . After lots of phone calls to lots of different departments , ( and none of them seemingly giving a toss) , i gave up . It seems to be my fault for not insuring . It was a $400 board . So i have no problems bagging them.

Have faith, I had a mast go missing and 6 months later received a call from outback Queensland freight company saying it had been there the whole time lol

Its about two and a half years now

SA, 2525 posts
27 Mar 2019 7:37PM
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Orange Whip said..
And of course this sort of thing never ever happens with any other freight company? FFS.

Man you're missing the point. Some disgruntled customer has posted some pics of freight damage from Hunter Express and it's ended up as Hunter's google search logo. That's just too funny ! . Lighten up dude.

Clarence: apparently separate companies. Hunter does e-go's haulage.

QLD, 4867 posts
27 Mar 2019 7:29PM
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It's funny , I'm allowed to hate Hunter for good reason , but I have used ego over a dozen times with impeccable results .
Hunter wins .
Didnt Jesus once say .... you don't always get what u want , but sometimes if u try u might get what u need , or something like that , or was that Gandhi?

WA, 525 posts
27 Mar 2019 5:41PM
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Imax1 said..
It's funny , I'm allowed to hate Hunter for good reason , but I have used ego over a dozen times with impeccable results .
Hunter wins .

E-Go and Hunter Express lost a mast that I bought on Seabreeze, 3 months later and not a trace of it. They would have to be the most incompetent wankers I've ever dealt with.

Have a look at the feedback on the site, hard to believe a company can get that many one-star reviews. Use them at your own risk

NSW, 6451 posts
27 Mar 2019 8:46PM
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No Imax, I think from memory Gundi said " return to sender, address unknown"
So keep waiting, one day your blue suede shoes my arrive

QLD, 4867 posts
27 Mar 2019 7:51PM
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I feel your and my pain.
I deal with truckies every day and have seen great to atrocious . I've seen courteous to pinging agro machines.
I suppose it depends on who you get on the day .
It does scare me sometimes dealing with certain characters that drive double Bs interstate.

QLD, 2456 posts
27 Mar 2019 8:07PM
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Imax1, pretty sure that line you quoted belongs to Keith n the boys from'The Rolling Stones??'No prophets, but got some good lyrics worth listening to.
Pacey thats a great record they have.!! And theyre stupid enough to show it. Haha Recieved an X9 boom from Tassie in 6 days. No damage. Guess its like playin Russian roulette. Pull the trigger enough times n youre sure to wind up losing.

SA, 2525 posts
27 Mar 2019 10:15PM
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Dealer drops item off at e-go depot in Sydney and item accidentally ends up in the depot's dispatch section. The dunce staff then try to deliver item to an Adelaide address..... in Sydney.... multiple times. They probably wondered why google maps showed them a picture of Australia with a line going from Sydney to Adelaide. It's scenario Paul Fenech could never have dreamt up for his Swift n Shift show

WA, 14921 posts
27 Mar 2019 8:00PM
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jn1 said..
Dealer drops item off at e-go depot in Sydney and item accidentally ends up in the depot's dispatch section. The dunce staff then try to deliver item to an Adelaide address..... in Sydney.... multiple times. They probably wondered why google maps showed them a picture of Australia with a line going from Sydney to Adelaide. It's scenario Paul Fenech could never have dreamt up for his Swift n Shift show

I used to work at TNT many years ago and when you had to explain a slightly, and I mean slightly, different system to the operators, the ones who took the calls and handled the enquiries, you used to get complete confusion and clear lack of understanding. So much so that we went out of our way to try and minimise anything that changed. This discussion has just made me remember this, and I can genuinely picture someone try to deliver to an Adelaide address in Sydney, failing, and then ringing the customer to complain that they gave them the wrong address. They were used to filling in the fields based on when they saw them, not actually understanding what the information actually meant. Genuinely worrying when you think about it.
They were installing tracking systems that were foolproof back in the nineties to make sure nothing could get lost. It goes to show how well a human can beat a foolproof system when they want to.

WA, 1121 posts
27 Mar 2019 8:12PM
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Meatloaf sang "two out of three ain't bad"

SA, 2525 posts
27 Mar 2019 11:37PM
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FormulaNova said..

They were installing tracking systems that were foolproof back in the nineties to make sure nothing could get lost. It goes to show how well a human can beat a foolproof system when they want to.

You can't fix stupid

NSW, 6451 posts
28 Mar 2019 12:39AM
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Sparky said..
Meatloaf sang "two out of three ain't bad"

But he was speaking about how many roast turkeys he devoured by himself.

SA, 4097 posts
28 Mar 2019 7:36AM
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Imax1 said..

choco said..

Imax1 said..
Hunter totally lost a board of mine . They tracked it half way to me then nothing . Never got it or any compensation , ( apart from refunding the shipping cost ) . After lots of phone calls to lots of different departments , ( and none of them seemingly giving a toss) , i gave up . It seems to be my fault for not insuring . It was a $400 board . So i have no problems bagging them.

Have faith, I had a mast go missing and 6 months later received a call from outback Queensland freight company saying it had been there the whole time lol

Its about two and a half years now

Oh you never know must be somewhere, one tip make sure labels are fixed on properly and even write on the box with texta

NSW, 8094 posts
28 Mar 2019 11:00AM
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I've used them and they have been ok.

QLD, 490 posts
28 Mar 2019 12:00PM
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Orange Whip said..
And of course this sort of thing never ever happens with any other freight company? FFS.

Hundreds of things sent with DHL, they never stuff up and resolve problems that arent even there fault. I guess its a get what you pay for thing though and hunter express is cheap.

Orange Whip
QLD, 1056 posts
28 Mar 2019 6:19PM
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Simon100 said..

Orange Whip said..
And of course this sort of thing never ever happens with any other freight company? FFS.

Hundreds of things sent with DHL, they never stuff up and resolve problems that arent even there fault. I guess its a get what you pay for thing though and hunter express is cheap.

OP was showing how funny it is for Hunter to be allowing, or more likely, unknowingly showing examples of their failings on their web page. Yep, I agree it is funny. But I assume that all freight companies have their failings. I have used E-Go (operated by Hunter afaik) to successfully and cheaply freight windsurf gear that I have bought and sold. I've never had a problem. The freight has always arrived in good order and in the time stated at time of booking. Yes, I know I have probably been lucky. I understand that some people on here have had bad experiences, but bagging them won't help them to improve their business.

SA, 2525 posts
28 Mar 2019 7:23PM
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Orange Whip said..
I understand that some people on here have had bad experiences, but bagging them won't help them to improve their business.

Ok Dad !

NSW, 257 posts
30 Mar 2019 6:42AM
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jn1 said..
Gooold !

Ahh swift and shift! One of the funniest shows I've seen!

QLD, 703 posts
30 Mar 2019 9:46AM
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I must be one of the lucky ones just looked at my figures i sent just over 400 items with them last year, and i had damage to one board.. admitley a couple of thing took a long time to get there .
We all take the risk with not insuring the goods but i have found their pricing on sails and boards to be way cheaper than anyone else I can find . I suppose it's a gamble you take when you use a cheaper carrier

VIC, 6155 posts
30 Mar 2019 11:38AM
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I have sent probably 20 sails with E-Go all over Australia in the last 5-6 years with no problems. Depot to Depot
One thing I always do though, is take at least the minimum insurance. This means they give you a big red printed sticker to put on it that says:

I usually put two of these on the package.

I have not evidence to prove this, but I think this makes a difference to the way most drivers and handlers treat it. No one wants to be up for paying the insurance if they lose it.

IMHO, also a good idea to write the address details all over the box, so if the label is damaged, it can be identified.

VIC, 6155 posts
30 Mar 2019 11:40AM
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That said, I has a brand new windsufing board delivered from Western Australia about 8 years ago that had forklift prong holes right through it!

To the suppliers great credit, they simply sent another one and swapped it.

SA, 2525 posts
30 Mar 2019 8:31PM
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bc said..
I must be one of the lucky ones just looked at my figures i sent just over 400 items with them last year, and i had damage to one board.. admitley a couple of thing took a long time to get there .

Well, the way you pack gear BC (my experience + mate's experience), I'm surprised the damage rate is as low as you are stating.

QLD, 477 posts
30 Mar 2019 10:03PM
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I've had quite a bit of gear sent via Hunter over the years. The vast majority of gear has arrived intact and on time ( and referring to the post above no stuff packed by BC has been damaged- always looks solidly packed to me). Gear has come from quite a few different vendors and that hasn't seemed to make any difference. One lost board many - and I mean many- years ago that was never traced and BC promptly made good on that with zero fuss. I've had stuff arrive on time or with huge delays "misplaced a while" with other carriers so I wonder if there are issues at times with all of them. Worth checking out your credit card details too- some provide a degree of insurance for purchased new goods.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Hunter Express" started by jn1