ok i am a 16 year old beginner and im getting a lesson on a starboard go. i dont want to buy a learners board that i will have to sell shortly after i buy it to upgrade. i am 60kg and patient so i dont mind falling off a lot. i have $300 to spend.
please post any information that might be helpful or any complete board set i might be interested in.
Thanks in advance.
Hi There,
Firstly may I say Welcome to windsurfing.
Great to see that you are keen and patient to learn. My main advice for you is that buying the right board for you to learn on (at a budget of $300), would be a rare find indeed. ebay will often sell boards and rigs within that budget BUT buyer beware. A lot of ebay sellers are selling complete packages that date back 20 - 30 years and although they seem great cheep buys at first, they are not easy to learn on due to their long narrow shape. Shorter wider boards are the go. Also be aware that often ebay sellers will advertise their board as suitable for begginers but mostly not the case. Remember big is beautiful.
Refer to the current tread " First board" for more info re boards. Good luck and don't be afraid to ask questions on this forum before making your decision. After all, that's why we are hear! Cheers, Moondo
Firstly that kit will sell for close to $600-$700. Secondly its not appropriate for learning.
To get a decent kit you need to invest closer to $1000. Aim for a 130l freeride board it will serve you well. You should be able to get a second hand one for around $500. Sails are inexpensive for what you need. Something that can take some punnishment would be an old wavesail 4.7, you should pay no more than $100-$150. Mast 430 @ $100 boom $100. Extension and Uni - $50-100.
These are guide prices only, but you have little or next to no chance getting appropriate kit for $300 and making any decent use of it.
I fell into the trap when I started. First complete kit was $400 - complete outdated junk and unsailable. I didnt know that at the time. Then another $700, then another $1200. Wasted all my money.
Best spending a little bit more for the right kit than less for the wrong kit.
Unfortulately most of the time you get what you pay for.
Try asking around all the windsurf schools, they have all types of gear they rent not just beginner boards and they periodically sell the boards and get new ones. Maybe you can find something around 150L
I know this has been covered before but this is a prime example.
Cost is a major stumbling block for the young the enter this sport.
not many 16yo have one grand lying around
disappointing as he may loose interest
I'm with Kato and Bento, just get the best gear you can for $300 and get on the water. If you're reasonably coordinated you'll pick it up. You're getting lessons so the basics will be there, just be prepared to fall in, but most importantly just have fun. I'm assuming you have a part time job so just save up and upgrade one part of your kit at a time. Stick with it, it's worth it. By 18 you'll be shredding and better than most of us here . Check when the jp/np trailer is in your area and get down there to stuff around on new gear for free for a day too.
Thanks for the advice everyone. Ill check out some of the windsurfing schools and see if i get lucky.
Im 16 and have bought all second hand windsurfing gear. You gotta watch ebay and similar sites if you want to get really cheap stuff, keep a lookout and goodluck.I got a quiver with a couple of f2 maui projects with three sails, mast, boom etc... for $340 bucks. Second hand boards from shops are often expensive, my first shortboard (f2 ride) was $500 which was a lot for me to fork out at the time. Not many 16 year olds can windsurf so give it a good shot. Need some more young blood, im one of the only teenagers who actually sails shortboards in sydney...http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Complete-Windsurf-Kit-/250949146694?pt=AU_Sport_Surfing&hash=item3a6dbc1846
get in there bro
I've been looking at that board on ebay but wasnt sure if it was good or not.
Thanks for going to the effort of searching for a board for me :)
And don't worry everyone. I really want to do this, i wont loose interest. Like i said im a very patient person. I just want to weather to be good so i can go for my lesson.
hey everyone,
I've found a board that i think looks pretty good but ive been told to get a second opinion.
It's an 11 foot board, has 2 mylar sails with cams(1 x 5.8m and 1 x 7.5m), 2 centre boards, mast, foot, boom, harness. Everything is in good condition but board needs a little repair on the bottom(see in pictures). All this is $250.
Pm me,I got a heap of gear in the shed I haven't used for years , 5 boards, got an immaculate one design ,the good one with the swing centerboard (the things like new) got a heap of slalom and wave gear , 2piece fiberspar mast , 2 piece north wave mast, few good speed /slalom sails ,a couple of booms.......ect .i' m sure I can get you on the water for $300 bucks or so? You can probably have the lot for $5- $600?
For the$600 I'll even throw in a land sailor board!! See my profile pictures.
Hi Alex
saw this one on ebay
its up your way $390 but will probably cost you a little more before the auction ends. It would be a sweet ride for you now and in the future.
Yes its board only and you still need a rig, but you are making friends fast and I'm sure you might get a few bits thrown your way ,windsurfers look after each other!
Maybe you can muster up the extra $,family might give towards for xmas.
In the mean time wash SWOOSH's car,mow his lawn, do whatever.Having a caring mentor is worth gold,he can help you learn much safer,quicker and easier.
Good one SWOOSH!
Here is my son,he is also called Alex, started at age 7 and this him age 9 ,
2 1/2years later. This is what you will be doing in just a few years. Just stick with it,it gets easier every hour you do.
Anyone planning to bid on that board, LAYOFF, let this one go.Leave it for Alex ,he needs this one!
Thanks heaps but swoosh is lending me the starboard go over xmas so i can get alot of practice in. So i won't need such a big board. i only weight 60kg so i am thinking of just using the go for a while then downgrading to 120L. And i actually know something about what im looking for. (no long/thin boards)
I really really appreciate the effort u put in to finding me a board. But swoosh is taking good care of me :)
You guys in Qld why don't you start a topic listing all the junk that (could be treasure to newbies with no cash) that you are hoarding and offer it to good homes for free or cartons of beers or whatever (mowing the lawn, weeding the backyard.... ) young guys would jump at it and you would please the miss use for clearing the shed! + do a good thing for the sport we all love…….
Some guys did that here in WA and all the gear went in no time! I picked up some cheap sails and a nice board for beer!
Come on guys!
Will do,
But if anyone hears of a 120L or close to that at a reasonable price please let me know.
Thanks again for helping me out.
I got a question. as i said before, Swoosh has lent me the board for over xmas so i should get some practice in then. I have found a board that i think would be good to downgrade to when im ready to advance. i thought i should give swoosh a break from all my questions and bug u guys.
I messaged the guy selling it and he said it wouldn't be good but thats before i knew i was getting the board over xmas.
Thanks in advance
great board, fast, forgiving and a smooth ride.I don't think you can get much better for that price.
It's a bit early,maybe have a few more sessions . Swoosh will see how you are progressing.He will let you know when and what size. That board should still be around in the new year if it hasn't sold yet.
Thanks guys,
I'm just real keen to get my own gear. using someone else gear worth 1000's of dollars that someone has trusted you with makes me a bit nervous. lol. I know the all the gear is tough but it's still a bit scary.
But thanks for helping me out.
hey i am buying a sail,mast and boom from the guy above. But it doesn't come with a mast base. so does anyone have a cheap 1 i can buy.