There is 5 knots wind gusting 7, in our long term forecast on QLD.
Imagine that you suddenly won Power Ball 20 + $mln ticket.
Where would you go follow the wind across the globe (for a year long or as long the money last) ??
What would be your final destination if money doesn't matter ? Just a short 365 day holiday trip ....
Hawaii ?
Namibia ?
Egypt or Turkey ?
Looks like we don't need even 20 mln lotto ticket. In Perth wind is blowing and simple trip around Australia may do the trick.
But anyway it will be interesting to create list of 5 top destination that every windsurfer dream /wish to visit.
Obviously list could be different depending on windsurfing category. Speed sailing, freestyle free ride, wave sailing.
What is heaven for one sailor could be complete hovock for another.
Lets complete the list for
Speed sailor:
1. Louderitz ?
2. Sandy Point ?
1.Hawaii ?
1. Tarrifa ?
The money wouldn't help, I'm cursed. I have crossed the equator and nation looking for wind before, timing it to coincide with statistically windy months only to be skunked time and time again. Last time Alacati in Turkey should have been 20kt all month but a statistically freak ocurrence high perched over and dropped it into single figures.
Twenty hours in a plane, airport taxi death ride and a weeks worth of non refundable gear hire/ was a serious kick to the nuts. But given the freedom, I'd live on the foreshore out front of my current sailing spot where I can look out the kitchen window and see the conditions. That is my dream.
The west coast of Tasmania gets pretty consistent westerly winds in the winter.
Problem is they are too strong and likely freezing cold
My 3.3m when the front arrives would be my most used sail.
Is it too cold to sail?
1) Hood River Or. Most famous place in the Pacific North West.
2) Klamath Lake, Or. The largest, shallow lake in Or. and rated top 10 in the nation for wind, according to Sail Magazine. So far only 10 of us have discovered this gem that I know of.
3) Gold Beach, Or. Great wave riding and holds windsurfing championships annually.
4) Florace Lake, Or. Small but windy.
5) Leo Carrillo beach, Ca.
6) Long Beach, Ca.
7) Lake Lopez, Ca.
8) Kailua Beach, Hi
I have personally spent time windsurfing these locations and they are fantastic spots.
Not sure if Macro's budget would be enough, but these would be my priorities:
- Refill George lake with beer
- Build own portable canal and move it where its windy during the seasons
if money is no object, then the obvious solution is to do as all other sports have done.... build your own artificial wave and wind pond... apparently all good watermen turn to it eventually.
What about a trans pacific downwind run with a super yacht to sleep on a rib chase boat for safety. 10 000 km of broad reaching in nice warm trade winds and never a tack up wind.
seriously though, pretty hard to beat the west coast from margaret river to gnaraloo. Wave, slalom or speed its got it all.
1. Alaçati (Turkey) - DONE
2. Dahab (Egypt) - DONE
3. Noumea (New Caledonia) - Maybe one day :)
4. Meia-Praia Lagos (Portugal) - DONE
5. Tenerife (Spain) - On the list to-do in 2017
Yep we have got some nasty nippy sharks over here. Not sure what to do about that. For now i am sailing in the river, but somone said they are going in there too, at least they are bull sharks and not great whites (yet?), but it does make you wonder. Where is a nice place with no sharks, stone fish, sea snakes, urchins or cone shells or tube shells or sharp coral or box jelly fish or crocks or dugite snakes on the beach paths, or tiger snakes in the grass near the speed lake? Imagine a place without all that!