To sail the Lancelin Ocean Classic this year you need to be insured, this requirement applies to the Waves and the Marathon.
Current membership for the 2015 / 2016 season of ANY Australian Windsurfing Association affiliated club OR state association will provide the level of cover you required.
As this is the first year LOC have required insurance, WWA is providing a single event membership to sailors who don't wish to sail in other events this season or take advantage of the 24/7 Third Party Insurance cover provided as part of a full WWA membership.
To join WWA please head over to our web site
Where is the link to the single event membership please?
I couldn't find it, and was stuck at having to register for a tidyclub account, whatever that is.
The link below is to the memberships page on the WWA site
Once you register a new TidyClub account (site will recognize email if you have an old account from WWA or any other sport that uses tidyclub) there is the options for Temporary Membership for LOC at the bottom of the page. (sorry can't get a direct link to this option, need to have user account first).
Once you have purchased your membership, you will receive an email that will contain a PDF record of your membership. Not critical for event but suggest you take this as proof of membership on the day to help the registration team.
I gather GWC is affiliated. How do I prove I am a member when I register for waves on the day?
I got a t-shirt....
Mark, when you register with GWC you should have got an an email as well.
You should be on the AWA register but double check, this will let you know what your AWA sail number is too. (ALL registered sailors in OZ) (WA registered sailors)