Thoughts on Jocks...My nuts get squashed when i wear my seat harness and not wearing jocks tends to free them, but my concern is if my wet suit splits open it might be an embarrassing walk back to the car or if in an emergency the Ambo`s had to cut my wet suit off! Plus i go through to many pairs my miss finds them crunched up a month later in laundry
or out the back yard somewhere...I wash my gear out after a session but my jocks just get left lying around!
Btw... i wear the shorts style!
The Mental scar you inflict on others as you walk back to your car is not your concern.
You have bigger problems if the Ambo needs to cut you out of your wetty.
Do your own laundry
Not quite sure what your point is, but how would your wetsuit suddenly split open at the crotch? Is your diz that sharp to cut through your wetsuit? Just show em who's boss and kick those nuts out of the way.
Jocks will just retain more pee. Freeball.
BTW, they tend not to cut your wettie off in or on the way to emergency (4 times out of 4). But you do miraculously end up in a hospital gown.
That dude is wearing a thong, not speedos!! How can a man bring himself to wear that thing. Girls only, guys no! Now that thong would be a "Nut Cracker" for sure.
Get your nuts insured. If things turned pear shape, and if someone has to CUT you out of your wetsuit, then surely one can't guarantee that caring ambulance chap/lady have steady hands I suggest a cricket ball-guard is the go. It will impress the kiting ladies, and piss off the kiting dudes. Not only it protects your valuable asset, it also allows some degree of freedom of movement within the confine of the cup
So what is your size ? S, M, L, XL, XXL ?
I can't believe all you south of the border freaks are going commando under your wetsuits!
I'm never heading south again!
The few times I've gone commando under the wet suit ive ended up with a nasty rash.
No way I go without jocks now.
I'm with you shifu, boardies and no jocks all year round in QLD. Neoprene shirt for those cooler winter days. Couldn't care if I have a wardrobe malfunction and scare a church group bbq at the seaside.
Kym attempting a gybe at Semaphore SA on really really really big gear. (8.5 race sail and a 136L freeride board). He told me he was wearing jocks. Could this be causing an issue with his gybes ?
It was those Marcoola years that turned me Brad. Standard Burpengary boardshorts are a pair of jeans with a flanno top for winter, very restrictive on a surfboard. Roger that Shifu, going it alone with the boardies, no undies.
If you don't want to go commando, don't wear jocks. They are made of cotton, or cotton polyester and retain moisture. They deteriorate with minimal use.
Use speedos (ie budgie smugglers / dick togs / nylon disgustos) under your wetsuit or boardies. They are made from lycra and that's what they are designed for. Just hang them up to dry with your sail, harness, wetsuit, boardies, rashie, booties etc after each session and they'll be ready for the next session. They last at least 2 seasons before the lycra deteriorates.
Oh dear, it was only a matter of time before someone lowered the bar and fessed up to wearing sluggos under their boardies. Speedos should be sold with a compulsory gps tracking device so the community can know where all speedo wearers are lurking at all times