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Forums > Windsurfing General

Kode FSW 94 - Tuttle box retrofit

Created by azymuth > 9 months ago, 1 Dec 2015
WA, 2100 posts
1 Dec 2015 5:36PM
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Has anyone tried fitting a Tuttle box to a Kode FSW 94 single fin (or similar board) to be able to use small fast slalom fins.

I'm curious whether the result would be slalom like speed, while retaining the great maneuverability of the board and general "fun factor".

It's pretty fast already with a JP Wave 24 fin but I reckon it might be 5 knots faster with a fast fin.

Thought it might be fun in 15 to 25 knots on days with tiny surf (Perth summer).

Mark _australia
WA, 22858 posts
1 Dec 2015 9:08PM
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OMG why.....

You can get small slalom fins in Powerbox and US box. My FSW's of similar size have come with a 27cm FSW fin that is basically like a freeride fin and can be very damn fast. Changing to tuttle would mean no wave fins......

WA, 2100 posts
1 Dec 2015 10:41PM
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Fair point but I have a selection of super Lockwood carbon slalom fins to try...

I can re-base a wave fin to Tuttle easily enough if need be.

I've gone downwind at about 30 knots and can feel the drag from the wave fin limiting the speed.

Mark _australia
WA, 22858 posts
2 Dec 2015 8:58PM
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OK I am seeing it now.

Most FSW's are quite fast really, could be an interesting project. I think maybe the bottom to deck distance may be an issue at the back (?) but really if you had a lump in the deck around rear footstrap plug area it would not be an issue, as long as it misses the insert.

WA, 2100 posts
3 Dec 2015 7:36AM
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Thanks, I hadn't considered the rear footstrap insert

I might need two inserts on either side of the Tuttle box (for the rear insert) for the centre strap to work for small waves.

When the swell is really flat I'll use the outboard rear straps anyway.

Sounds like a lot of work (Tuttle and two footstrap inserts) but I think I'll do it, the board wasn't expensive and I'm curious to see if I get close to slalom speeds with FSW tight turns.

NSW, 1104 posts
3 Dec 2015 10:59AM
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Just curious as to what speeds you hope to get out of the Kode? I ask I have a 2014, 94 litre Kode and put in a Manaki weed / wave fin (26 cm Ono) hoping to gain access to flat weedy locations for "speed sailing". I'm slow on any board but have had the Kode to 30.80 knots very easily in 15-18 knots. THe good sailors on proper slalom gear were hitting 34 knots. I reckon 35 knots shouldn't be a real drama on the Kode. After that you may need true speed fins and outbound straps -maybe...

WA, 2100 posts
3 Dec 2015 9:04AM
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Nice vid, thanks, looks like a great spot.

I have flat water speed boards so will be using the Kode as an ocean blaster - I would guess around 33 knots down the swells is possible with a fast fin (a knot or so less than my slalom board ocean speeds).

And when not blasting in a straight line the Kode is heaps more fun (jumps, tight turns) than the slalom board.

AUS 808
WA, 479 posts
3 Dec 2015 9:44AM
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azymuth said..
Has anyone tried fitting a Tuttle box to a Kode FSW 94 single fin (or similar board) to be able to use small fast slalom fins.

I'm curious whether the result would be slalom like speed, while retaining the great maneuverability of the board and general "fun factor".

It's pretty fast already with a JP Wave 24 fin but I reckon it might be 5 knots faster with a fast fin.

Thought it might be fun in 15 to 25 knots on days with tiny surf (Perth summer).

JJ, the only difference I find is that in choppy water the FSW will slow down because of the rocker, it tends to hit the chop whereas a salmon board rides over.
I get the same if not better speeds from my FSW style board than my slalom style boards in flat water.

WA, 629 posts
3 Dec 2015 10:40AM
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JJ I have new & new Tuttle boxes if you need. It's not a big job. You'll need to build up the tail - I've got 10mm high modulus foam is your best bet

WA, 629 posts
3 Dec 2015 10:46AM
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808 said...
azymuth said..
Has anyone tried fitting a Tuttle box to a Kode FSW 94 single fin (or similar board) to be able to use small fast slalom fins.

I'm curious whether the result would be slalom like speed, while retaining the great maneuverability of the board and general "fun factor".

It's pretty fast already with a JP Wave 24 fin but I reckon it might be 5 knots faster with a fast fin.

Thought it might be fun in 15 to 25 knots on days with tiny surf (Perth summer).

JJ, the only difference I find is that in choppy water the FSW will slow down because of the rocker, it tends to hit the chop whereas a salmon board rides over.
I get the same if not better speeds from my FSW style board than my slalom style boards in flat water.

I think you'll be sitting pretty with lockwoods - I don't think chop will an issue off the wind for what you are trying to achieve JJ. I recall Windtech boards with extra rocker in the nose doing pretty well comfort wise in open ocean downwind conditions.

WA, 2100 posts
3 Dec 2015 10:59AM
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Thanks 808, good point, it made me check.

Surprisingly the Kode has a similar 80cm long flat planing section in front of the fin to the Mistral 91 (and the same tail lift) - there is more nose rocker though.

And quite a bit more vee "one foot off" than the M91 which partly explains the better turns I guess.

I take your point about hitting the chop rather than skipping over - as the Kode turns so much better there must be a speed penalty.

Curious to see what that is.

Whois 808?

WA, 2100 posts
3 Dec 2015 11:01AM
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Man0verBoard said..
JJ I have new & new Tuttle boxes if you need. It's not a big job. You'll need to build up the tail - I've got 10mm high modulus foam is your best bet

Cheers Adam

I had you in mind - will be in touch

NSW, 1104 posts
3 Dec 2015 2:18PM
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I see your plan for different fins and box. My aim was a fin that could do pretty well do anything- ocean, waves and flat weedy spots. I'm happy to rattle along in the mid-20's on the ocean, and try to go fast on less demanding lakes etc. Will be interesting to see what speeds you obtain. The Kodes (or at least mine) has very little rocker and minimal concaves. And yes they certainly turn well!

What type and size sails are you running on the Kode?


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Kode FSW 94 - Tuttle box retrofit" started by azymuth