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Stuthepirate said..
Ok, so the dates are locked in
I've registered for the marathon.
As a first timer what are some tips rigging or tactics wise that would help me just to get to the finish line.
Hopefully there is some wind because i'm not planning on taking anything bigger than a 6.0 with me.
Is there anyone else considering doing it for the first time (2nd or 3rd even)?
Stu, Good on you brother. I hazard a guess, that like you, I am no stranger to chutzpah !
I haven't registered yet but I have been acquiring an armoury of some of the oldest and cheapest sails and masts I can find.
I am planning on entering and will be using a 1994 Bic Presto 122 l LW slalom....which I trust will go well - main goal will be to finish. I may have the oldest board in the race...possibly the cheapest..the rider is more important and the rig...the presto can handle all conditions however..and has enough volume to creep along when it is light..
The last windsurfing race I did was the bridge to bridge in 1982 and the state windsurfers in same year. After that, I was always solely into wavesailing so this is my first L2L. My comments here are based on my analysis of other commentaries on the race and prior sailing experience...
you need a weed fin.. I have never owned one of these but will buy one..
need PFD and flares..
My race sails start at 5.1 and go up to 9m2. The oldest is mid 90s and newest is 2005 all acquired secondhand some in pristine condition... I am going with cammed sails...2 or 3 cam according to others it is best to be powered up...I have a few non cammed however..
I would strongly suggest you acquire a sail bigger than 6 m2. I wouldn,t enter without at least a 7.5 m2 as my biggest sail..but I am 94 kg...I understand the last event was light wind..i gather there is no wind that correct.? if it is the officials are the wild card with race commencement..don't trust they will start with enough wind for your 6 m2... I noticed last summer in Jan a few days were between 12-15 knots hence really think a 6m2 is too small...unless your a may be..
Get an adjustable out haul to assist on downwind legs.
Downwind you want to be able to power up the sail...careful sail choice on the day will be key...don't want to be too overpowered...but don't want to be undercooked either..
better do some downwind sailing practice...maybe can co ordinate this with others who are entering...
work on fitness and stamina..cross training..downwind sailing is physically taxing...
remember this his will be my first race in L2L and my comments may therefore have little weight....and others may have better advice.
good of luck & best wishes