Is Lysterfield lake any good for windsurfing? If so, what conditions are needed and what safety issues (if any besides the obvious) should be known before sailing there.
You need BIG northerlies! - winter or summer. Lighter winds and other directions would be great for learning otherwise. Great spot is you live out that way.
The northerly is cross shore at the launch area (boat club), and you get maybe 600-700m reach across the lake (you can measure it on google earth). The wind can be flukey as on the bay, and bear in mind less bouyancy in fresh water. My 100 litre board felt at least 10 litres less.
The launch area is grassy and sheltered from the wind. There are no real hazards accept for blue-green algae, snakes in the launch area and other windsurfers.
There is something cool though about sailing in a valley setting - maybe coz it's just different.
Cheers Rox for the info.
I do live out that way.. well, sort of. It's about the same distance to the Bay for me as it is to Lysterfeild, but traffic is probably lighter going out that way.
What do you call a BIG northerly. 20 plus knots? Is there a specific northerly direction it works better on?
Apart from the snakes it sounds ok.... at least worthwhile giving it a look next time the conditions are right. Do you know if it gets a decent crowd in the right conditions? Oh, and what's the water like when it blows. eg. reasonably flat or quite rough?
Last time I sailed there Seabreeze was reporting 20-25knots at Fawkner Beacon. I was comfortable on a 5.8m and 100lt board. It didn't get overly choppy. Probably 10 guys out (all levels).
Wind has to be true northerly, anything else comes over the valley. The true northerly gets funneled down the valley.
Hey Ejmack
I get there a bit. The great thing about it when the wind springs up the lake is flat as a tack. The worst is when the wind is under 15 knots it is fluky. It will turn 90 degrees on you in 100 mtrs. and will go from 12 kts to 3 kts at the same time.
I am tossing up whether to do Inverloch or the lake this Sunday.