Hey guys
On the sail it says for mast
luff 4.49
Not sure with mast how that works
cheers for any help
Sorry I understand that it probably means 430 mast with 25 extention and
actually I dunno help us out
It's been a while since I dealt with mast specs bit it would be 430 mast and the the 25/ 21 would be IMCS and MCS which were two different ways of measuring mast stiffness. I can't remember which is which.
Hey guys ,dealing with a bit of a dummy here, the more you can tell me the better . IMCS AND MCS me not know , mast stiffness does it matter to a newbie/intermediate soon
The MCS /IMCS ratings are measurements of the stiffness of the ideal mast for that sail. There are two different ways to rate mast stiffness. The sail designer is saying that either mast will be suitable.
The "luff 4.49" tells you that if you rig with a 430 mast, you'll need an extra 19 cms of extension, with the adjustable top of the sail set to minimum. The adjustable top is often called a "turban top".
If you rig with a 460 mast, you'll need to extend the "turban" top of the sail by 11 cms, with zero extension (because the 460 mast by itself is already longer than 449).
Hope that's clear.
If its a Neil Pryde mast all you do is grab a hacksaw and cut 11cm off the bottom of the 460 mast. Im joking bigtom
I would get an Ezzy 430 and 460 RDM "reduce diameter mast" and get the longest mast extension and you will be set. Ezzy masts have a constant curve bend which will work for most all sails I can think of. Ezzy masts are also close to measuring up to a flex top mast which Goya sails ask for. Get the highest carbon content and you will be a happy camper.
It has been quite some time since sails and masts showed both the (old) MCS number an the IMCS number
A sail showing 430/25/21 would be quite old and definitely designed for SDM so recommending an $800 gee whizz wave RDM is a bit over the top. It may not even be usable on a new RDM.
Very likely this sail will work with an old 430 / 21 SDM - which would also be cheap.
Bigtom, what sail is it?
do Ezzy still mark the sails with MCS and IMCS? I dunno - but am still calling the sails as likely over 10yrs old and not necessarily RDM compatible.
But yeah gotta give Magic Ride points for psychic ability
Lucky guess eh!! Here are the numbers on their newer sails, although this Ezzy sail looks to be a couple years old.
Ezzy still gives both measurements on some of their sail models. The link below should help to identify what year they and gives the specs in the links on the right of the images.
While not recommended by Mr Ezzy, you can buy a 460 and the top half of a 400, that gives you a 430 and 460 and if you later need a 400 you just need the bottom half. Its nice you can buy just the halves as if your a gumby like me and manage to break one (not easy to do) you dont have to replace the whole thing.
I have one of these sails .. .With the markings you mentioned ...is this the one SE 2007 5.8?
it does work on a 460 ..but best on the 430 .but great it has the option ..I also have the 5.0 .i use a 430 on the 5.0 .has a long strap ..but the luff was pretty long on these models ..