Dear All
If you're not RBing next Australia Day weekend, put the waveboard, FW and speed sailing boards back in the trailer and sail a Windsurfer One Design or Original Windsurfer at the NSW States, part of the RB's Botany Bay Invitational Regatta.
(This will follow the big FW event, same location 9 - 12 January 2014)
Big thanks to the Raceboards, AWA and Georges River Sailing Club. Also to Stormriders, and Ads72, will be great to check out your home club.
Saturday 25 Jan
0830-1030 Registration (WOD)
1030 Skippers Meeting
1130 Racing
Sunday 26 Jan
1100 Racing
1800 Prize giving (WOD)
Course racing
Cost WOD - Junior(under 16) $25; Youth (under 18): $50; Men/Women: $75
(RB Oceanics practice day 23/1, competition 24/1 - 27/1/14)
All the info will be on this site in the next week or so -
Please PM us, with your email, if you'd like a copy of the Notice of Race.
Cheers, WCAA.