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Forums > Windsurfing General

NSW Wavesailing Comps

Created by peto > 9 months ago, 4 Dec 2007
ACT, 372 posts
6 Dec 2007 2:50PM
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nice work!

Me, I love the comps and fun n games, even though I'm the only one who cant loop, still have fun and everyone is a good bloke/chick.

might be a good idea to organise alternative somethings if the conditions are off, if the committee or volunteer has time/energy. eg surfing lesson, or footy match round robbin on the beach, or iron man combined with beer skulling event...

NSW, 441 posts
6 Dec 2007 6:31PM
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We did wave sailing coaching sessions previously which were quite good when there was no wind, however wasnt quite as fun when you couldnt go out and practice it all afterwoods.

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
6 Dec 2007 8:53PM
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Brien you fat bastard, is this how you repay me after all Ive done to help you. When your obesity first started being a major emotional issue for you you, I was there for you. I was a shoulder to cry on and even took you to get help when you hit the tragic 200kg. Hell I even spoke to you after you bought on of those kitey things. Of all people I would have expected better from you, real dissapointed. See ya on the weekend, hopefully the southerly will pick up to 50kts so we can see your fat ass plane

NSW, 172 posts
7 Dec 2007 1:14AM
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No need to be nasty Daniel. I was actually planning all arvo today. Nice little nor easter with the best waves we have had for months........I was kiting though. Could have sailed when the wind picked up, but I am too old, fat and lazy to walk up the dune to the car park. Maybe tomorrow.

NSW, 190 posts
7 Dec 2007 11:51AM
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Have not looked at forums for a few days, have been missing all the action!!!!!
As a current assoc committee member it is good to see most comments are positive.
Looking at the results over the last few years that I have been involved, the top place getters did well in both poor conditions and good conditions which shows there true skill level.
Judging is always a hot topic, a man on man heat would be great but it takes alot of time which we usually don't have in NSW.
Finding judges can be a challenge at times as well.
A 15 knot limit sounds great, but what about those days when the waves are great, you can dog it out and catch them in, which we had at windang last season which was excellent wavesailing.
The last event at Gerroa was very small waves, but Donk still managed to catch anything that was there, showing his skill at reading the waves,even if they are nearly non-existant.
The forum has certainly got the committee members attention, and come the agm in Feb,things like alt venues for the Gerroa comp like Warilla/Shoalhaven heads will certainly be up there.Please come and have your input.
Rob Graham
Treasurer NSWWA

ACT, 372 posts
7 Dec 2007 1:20PM
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Good luck to everyone at Wanda tomorrow, hope it goes well.

I cant make it, I took a chunk of my thumb nail off waterskiing

Isnt that the stupidest excuse for not going in a comp... "I broke my nail"...

NSW, 575 posts
9 Dec 2007 8:46PM
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after being at wanda yesterday and today, i can see what some of you guys are saying. had an awesome time, little bit of a sail on saturday, and then some awesome surfing this morning. but the decision to send us out this arvo was bul****. you could see that no one was planing at all beforehand. and then the heat got called off after about 1 minute. would have been much better to judge some of the sailing on saturday, as most people were sailing and actually planing, dean and others were hitting up some big forwards, and making the best of the waves that were there. so why wasnt it judged, even as an expression session?
i know the forecast was for a massive nor easter, but now we have another comp with no result.

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
9 Dec 2007 8:18PM
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shame you guys didnt stick around. We headed up the beach to greenhills and had one of the best sails Ive had this year. light wind, but cross off, head high smooth as hell, real fast. stoked. Even brett goodwin and 200kg brien were out and lovin it.

NSW, 390 posts
10 Dec 2007 1:05AM
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Got smashed by this freakin massive storm on my way home this arvo. Sat on the side of the road for half an hour while hail pelted the hell out of the car and the boards on the roof. Havent checked the damage yet.

WA, 3491 posts
9 Dec 2007 11:22PM
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hm... been following this topics over the last few days and I must say I am bit torn.

Firstly... I am little bit on the heavy side after the last winter (lucky for me JP makes those super early planning Real Word Wave boards) so I can feel the pain of all those fat arses putting in their complaints so far. Hang in there guys... look forward to those days when all they lightweights complain about it being too windy.

On a more serious note... I always thought wavesailing was about charging down the line with a fully powered up sail then hitting a ramp into what always feels like an awesome aerial (which of course mostly turns out to be a little hope of the wave)... Then my friends I spent 10 days in what must be one of the most beautiful places our country has to offer. Yes you guessed right, it was Gnaraloo.

There my eyes where opened to what must truly be wavesailing... that is surfing with that stupid sail, mast and boom attached to your surf board always getting in the way. But seriously my friends, I have come to a cross road in my live as a windsurfer: should I embrace charging down the line with a fully loaded sail or should I go the way of the true wavesailor where the rig merely becomes an accessory?

Personally I am torn!

May a good compromise would to have a minimum wave height/ wind speed before a WAVESAILING comp is being called. Something like... 1 meter waves and 15 knts of wind.

PS: I am sure now people will start arguing over what constitutes 1 meter wave... measured at the back or the front of the wave...

NSW, 762 posts
10 Dec 2007 12:22PM
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You probably don't want to know this but I sailed Gerroa bombie yesterday. Over half mast and 20+ knots.

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
10 Dec 2007 4:13PM
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sounds good. After the comp we went out to voodoo where it was 3/4mast and 21+ kts.

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
10 Dec 2007 4:18PM
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hey george, been meaning to ask you how windang is now? we sailed it once since the seawall went up but it was a bit of a funny southerly. How bad has it been effected?

NSW, 762 posts
10 Dec 2007 8:12PM
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Hey Dan, Windang still ok. No where near as good as it used to be and probably never will but there is a bank that has formed out in front of the two walls now, so it still gets all the wind. But the tide makes it a problem because it flows so quick. Also more sharks now. But besides that it is still good.

NSW, 1721 posts
10 Dec 2007 8:15PM
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Have to agree Gerroa was pretty epic. 20+ knots 1/2 it :D

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
10 Dec 2007 6:57PM
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thanks george, good to hear. funny how nature eventially takes back what belongs to it . On the subject of noahs, you should have seen the school of hammerheads at wanda on sunday, hundreds of them. The clubby boats were out all day trying to keep them off the beach, worried they were going to riot I guess.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"NSW Wavesailing Comps" started by peto