Forums > Windsurfing General

Need help with universal joint

Created by Aggie2016 > 9 months ago, 21 Mar 2013
8 posts
21 Mar 2013 12:58AM
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Hey guys.
I made a post earlier asking about how to get a universal joint for my fanatic board. In this post I mentioned that I had a broken universal joint that I would like to potentially convert to work on the fanatic board.
If you know how to convert it, great. Tell me. However, I would really like to have a universal joint that works (period). How would I repair the joint to work on normal boards? It used to have a threaded pin on the bottom with a square washer. I lost both the pin and washer when the joint broke. Here is a photo of what I have.
I have looked around the Internet and found a couple pins that I think might work (but I'm not sure). Also, I haven't seen any that come with the washer that I need.

Thanks in advance for your help. I greatly appreciate any info you may have.

NSW, 1222 posts
21 Mar 2013 7:36AM
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It's not worth the trouble just buy a new one, This bit keeps your rig attached and thus improves your chances of returning to shore safely. For the $100 a new one costs it's worth knowing that it will hold for years to come and not possibly break again in the next few runs.

joe windsurf
1481 posts
21 Mar 2013 5:24AM
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you CAN fix it , butt it is a PITA
need UJ plus screw/ bolt
so - either buy a good used one or get a new one
as previous poster says - why bother ??
get a NEW one !!! means NO more worries

did u put it too tight ??
have busted the UJ, butt never the metal - not yet in any case ...

8 posts
21 Mar 2013 7:04AM
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Thanks so much for your help.
Where can I get a joint that will match the fanatic BAT 350? I can't find one anywhere!

I think it was probably put on too tight. I had my friend screw that in for me as I was setting up the rest of the rig. I mistakenly told him "Screw it in really really tight" and he's a pretty strong guy.

Also: Is there anything (practical) I can do with that old joint? I feel like it's still worth something. I'm completely broke right now and can't afford to lose any money.

Mark _australia
WA, 22853 posts
21 Mar 2013 8:34AM
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You are not going to be able to google it up and find an online store with hundreds of bits for really old boards.

You need the bit that fits into the bottom, like I said before it is about 1" in dia and has a groove around it for the wire clip to engage.
Measure it (the hole) and ring a windsurfing shop.

As to getting things undone they are old and corroded or full of salt. It will be hard. You will need a vice and quality allen bits (not cheapo stuff), probably lots WD40, maybe bit of heat applied with soldering iron to kill any threadlocker that was used by the factory. For many people an old UJ is just a PITA so they chuck it out.
May be better buying a new one and screwing the right bit onto the bottom bolt.

(PS if you can't find the right bit for the bottom it would be an easy machining job for somebody with a metal lathe)

8 posts
21 Mar 2013 10:20AM
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Thanks a bunch. I will try calling a few places tomorrow.
I still think I will see if I can manage to take apart the joint. I could borrow some tools and I really need to save as much money as I possibly can.

A couple notes: The diameter is definitely less than 1". It's about the size of my little finger. Also, I believe the BAT 350 is from the late 90's. I wouldn't think that to be old. But I'm also pretty new to the sport and don't really know the relativities of everything.

EDIT: It is 5/8"

joe windsurf
1481 posts
21 Mar 2013 5:52PM
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and looks just like my Fanatic Ultra CAT base

joe windsurf
1481 posts
21 Mar 2013 5:56PM
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two(2) posts on this subject ??

and the other post shows the track , and discusses a modified track using a standard base ??

Mark _australia
WA, 22853 posts
21 Mar 2013 6:37PM
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No I think he is showing the standard track he HAS and asks further if / how he should modify it to make it like a standard modern track

8 posts
21 Mar 2013 10:49PM
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Actually on this post I was really just wanting to know how to repair the joint, and if you knew how to modify it that's great too.
But In this post I'm really just finding a way to get SOMETHING out of the joint I have.

Also, @Joe Windsurf; I saw that post. That's actually how I got to this forum. However, it's too old for me to continue the discussion on there and my questions weren't really answered.
For example: How to get one of those joints.
That image will come in handy though for when I call some places about their stock.


WA, 5921 posts
22 Mar 2013 9:09PM
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i think the bit thats snapped off is the bolt that had a thin square nut on the bottom. the bolt head may still be inside the upper piece that you turn. it will be 8mm Stainless steel. i was playing with an identical unit yesterday

WA, 5921 posts
22 Mar 2013 9:17PM
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like this perhaps

this one has a flash brass fitting but all my other stuff is a simple 6mm flat SS nut

Mark _australia
WA, 22853 posts
22 Mar 2013 9:52PM
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landy, he said he lost the whole bolt.

anyway all the suggestions have been made and it is not hard, if he chooses not to take them...

8 posts
23 Mar 2013 3:29AM
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Actually I was wrong. The bolt is still trapped inside the joint. It snapped in half and the head is still up in there.

I'm going to bring this thread to a close. I have gotten all of the help I need. You guys are the best.

My decision:
-The joint I have is lost. It will be too much work to take that thing apart. However, I am an avid longboarder and I tied that joint to my board last night. Windsurfing worked really well on land. I am going to take that joint and bolt it down to some wood or to an old longboard that I will specially design for windsurfing(on land) only.
-I have talked to somebody (Curtis Sports Connection) who talked to his suppliers and found that it will be impossible to get a joint/pin for the board (specifically). He said he could get one custom made for me and that the entire joint would be about $58. This is my plan of action (if you have any input on this go ahead)

You have all been extremely helpful. Thank you for your advice, it is more than appreciated.

WA, 5921 posts
23 Mar 2013 9:21PM
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the top clip wiggles out and then the remaining head will tap upwards to be replaced. the bolt is 8mmx30mm long. you need a square ofstainless steel 115mm x15mm with a 6.5mm hole drilled through then tapped out to the 8mm thread. all up cost here in kalgoorlie is up there at almost $2
the bolt set up is actually quite common as a component is quite a few brands of windsurfer,as is the pin fitted to your rubber connector


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Need help with universal joint" started by Aggie2016