Where can you park and launch to sail in Nelson Bay (NSW) or Hawks Nest. Thinking of trying there for tomorrow's north-easter.
we sometimes sail at corlette beach when it's a smokin westerly, think you could sail there in a northeaster too, there are plenty of little beaches along the southern side of the bay.. or you can sail in fingle bay too..
If you want waves:
Birubi Beach (east Nor east)
Samurai (4wd required) Nor east or nor nor east (you can also park at middle rock and walk over the dunes and sail up if you don't have a 4wd)
Definitely worth the trek !
yer people are not sailing birubi much these days and the local surfers don't go there, if you do sail there don't dick around in the water to much, it's kinda a breading ground for those fellas with the big teeth.
Rest assured there is still wave sailing going on at Birubi & Samurai...oh and plenty of surfing as well. A few 'locals' had a cracker at Birubi on Saturday arvo with a great little spike of swell kicking in and cranking through the inside sections !
For those of you who remember former National Champ and mambo winner Dave 'Glovey' Stretton... he's still sailing and surfing and he is still ripping !
As for the big fish... yep plenty of them around but so far 'just sightings and no bitings'
I've been known to sail it twice in a really really good year...
Keeping it real, Real... keeping it real !
But if I lose that 'new sail smell' I'll have to get new sails again... mine are all in perfect condition despite being built in 1993 !