Just thought I'd post a link to our local web cam, for those thinking of coming over....
You can see all anse vata bay where the PWA will be in november, then it zooms to ilot canard (the island with red umbrellas, 1 km from the beach) and then across the channel to the next island "ilot maitre" (flat water but only accessible at high tide), when it zooms to the left you will see the M?ridien beach where the kiters are allowed.
Enjoy :-)http://merpassion.nc/Web-Cam-Anse-Vata
lol it was blowing 20 knts this arvo, but what I noticed is that it only shakes when it zooms... go figure...
Great camera! Looks windier at the kite spot though? Is that the norm? Heaps of Kites out there too, big crowd.
a tad windier, cause the wind comes off the point.
Check the second island on a day like today, there can be up to 100 kites on the water (but it's okay cause they stay close to the beach and there are some awesome chicks !!!)
Your previous posts convinced me that NC was the place to be- almost went to Fiji!
Now all I can think about is Anste Vata!!!
Roll on June