Hi Guys,
I'm looking to get into windsurfing, haven't really had much experience besides my old man doing it a fair few years back now. Have done a bit of kitesurfing so understand winds etc but think I'd prefer windsurfing.
Pretty keen on getting a decent setup, not too expensive but probably not just an el cheep. If there are any good recommendations that would be awesome, even just to be able to point me in the right direction.
I liVe in WA, in Mandurah so there's a few good waves and gets pretty windy with a SW. Also have estuary but would probably prefer to spend more time in the ocean with the waves and that when I'm up to it!
Thanks guys,
Who's your old man, if he wave sailed at Avalon, I probably know him
I'll hop back on my hard quick learning method versus the slow easy method.
If you want to learn the slow easy way, you need a board volume about 150% of your weight, and nice and wide for stability, so you can learn to uphaul, preferably on the estuary. This board won't be a lot of use after the learning process unless you get a sailable SUP.
For the quick hard way you need a board volume about 120% of your weight, this means you can get a low wind wave board that will come in useful down the track.
The quick hard way bypasses the uphauling stage, you learn sail control first, and go straight to learning to water start.
I've taught a young keen talented guy this method in just a few sessions.
BUT you need a teacher, if you try this on your own, you'll probably give up, most of the stuff is counter intuitive, you have to learn to go against your natural instincts.
Ideal sail depends a bit on your weight, but a 5.0 should be ok for you to learn with in light winds if you're medium weight.
May not know him, but Dale Williams.
Im thinking I'd probably like to go the harder way - more challenging but also would probably cut down costs a bit. Would be perfect if I could find something that would last me a while too.
Do you know anyone that does teaching down this way or do I need to venture more towards rockingham/Perth?
Yeah medium weight, 73kgs.
I reckon if you kite but want to windsurf the Mandurah crew will teach you for free
You need to be very committed for Decepit's method, learning to windsurf on 'expert" gear is not like kiting where everyone does that. If you have a helper, it will be very satisfying
If going for the traditional method, look out for a wave sail(s) about 4.5 to 6m and mast and boom to suit, less than 10yrs old. Closer to 5 y.o is better.
Then a board that is wide and no longer than say 270cm, about 130 - 170L and preferably with a centreboard (daggerboard) which is basically a big central fin under the mast. The centreboard is not 100% essential.
The free stuff in Windsurfing WA forum is a good start for the rig, the board will be harder to find but not impossible. Again, local crew will help
You could do it all with quality stuff for under $1K easily.
^^^ what he said ^^^^
lots of good stuff comes up on the free stuff thread so a rig you can learn/progress with could potentially cost you nothing. then when you progress past the crash and burn stage, you can visit one of the windsurfing shops in Perth, and buy yourself that shiny new gear,