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Forums > Windsurfing General

No wind, Im board.

Created by olskool > 9 months ago, 24 Apr 2019
QLD, 2455 posts
24 Apr 2019 5:34AM
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NO WIND. Arrrgghhh.... Ohhh Nooo.... the last few months has been lame. 3hrs waiting for 1hr sailing. What to do? ?
Last year i killed some time by spraying some graphix on my ol AHD.
Paintwork n regrip held up well. Just a simple masking tape design.
Well the latest lack of good wind got me arting again. Dont like that chequered look anymore. GOTTA GO!
Out with the masking tape n my favourite spraycan colour.
One roll of masking tape n two nights later. Im hitting the water for a test run. Wooohooo!! Thanks to Rustoleum. This paint sticks well n the satin clear with acrylic dust sprinkled on is great grip.
Ok Lads, thats the artwork done.

NSW, 83 posts
24 Apr 2019 6:28AM
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Nice one I like it.

I've heard Rustoleum paint is good stuff, what is acrylic dust?

QLD, 2455 posts
24 Apr 2019 6:55AM
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^^ Acrylic(used on signs etc) sanded into dust. Commonly used for deck grip on yachts n boats. Intergrip is one brand. But also available from most fibreglass supply joint. Bit smaller particle than normal sugar.

NSW, 83 posts
24 Apr 2019 7:04AM
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olskool said..
^^ Acrylic(used on signs etc) sanded into dust. Commonly used for deck grip on yachts n boats. Intergrip is one brand. But also available from most fibreglass supply joint. Bit smaller particle than normal sugar.

Thanks for the info

Ive got a similar project coming up on a old board.

Do you use any type of wax and grease remover to prepare the surface to ensure the paint sticks?

QLD, 2455 posts
24 Apr 2019 7:21AM
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I usually wash with sugar soap. If its very dirty a green scourer works well. Give it a light sand.Then thoroughly wipe down with metho. Use a white rag n you can see when its clean as n ready for paint or grip. Ive done quite a few boards now.
2 cans of satin clear will do a Raceboard. 1 for a shortboard. I do it in sections under a fluro light. Easier to see where youve sprayed n sprinkled the acrylic dust..
So spray an even light coat on part of board. Sprinkle acrylic dust from a jar with 2 layers of flyscreen over opening onto wet clear satin. Then as you spray to prepare the next section you seal over the freshly gripped area. Dont go too thick. Spray from a couple of angles for best adhesion. Leave it bake in the sun for a day or so with ventscrew open.
Tighten the ventscrew n go sail. Its that easy.
If you dont have enough grip its easily beefed up using the same proceedure. Looks like factory job( if you sprinkle evenly) n lasts well.

NSW, 83 posts
24 Apr 2019 7:48AM
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olskool said..
I usually wash with sugar soap. If its very dirty a green scourer works well. Give it a light sand.Then thoroughly wipe down with metho. Use a white rag n you can see when its clean as n ready for paint or grip. Ive done quite a few boards now.
2 cans of satin clear will do a Raceboard. 1 for a shortboard. I do it in sections under a fluro light. Easier to see where youve sprayed n sprinkled the acrylic dust..
So spray an even light coat on part of board. Sprinkle acrylic dust from a jar with 2 layers of flyscreen over opening onto wet clear satin. Then as you spray to prepare the next section you seal over the freshly gripped area. Dont go too thick. Spray from a couple of angles for best adhesion. Leave it bake in the sun for a day or so with ventscrew open.
Tighten the ventscrew n go sail. Its that easy.
If you dont have enough grip its easily beefed up using the same proceedure. Looks like factory job( if you sprinkle evenly) n lasts well.

Nice !

I haven't done any home paint jobs yet but I'm keen to learn.

Ive got a older epoxy board that I'm thinking of giving a nose job, to shorten it.

Currently a 277 i was thinking to go to a 257 long.

It's white in colour and after the surgery it will need paint.


QLD, 2455 posts
24 Apr 2019 8:08AM
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Cool !! Dont forget to show us.
Plenty of crew on here with way more knowledge than me to help out with the technical stuff.

QLD, 5105 posts
24 Apr 2019 8:18AM
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I liked it before the graphics LOL.

Nice job .

QLD, 2455 posts
24 Apr 2019 8:19AM
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Getsum, ive sent PM msg.

QLD, 2455 posts
24 Apr 2019 8:20AM
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Tardy said..
I liked it before the graphics LOL.

Nice job .

Jeez Tardy!!! Powder Blue is soooo 1950s man.

QLD, 122 posts
24 Apr 2019 11:33AM
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olskool said..
Iv'e just sailed 7 days in a row at weyba and done 653 kms. Instead of sitting at Golden Pond get in your car and try somewhere different, 3/4 HR to get here.

NO WIND. Arrrgghhh.... Ohhh Nooo.... the last few months has been lame. 3hrs waiting for 1hr sailing. What to do? ?
Last year i killed some time by spraying some graphix on my ol AHD.
Paintwork n regrip held up well. Just a simple masking tape design.
Well the latest lack of good wind got me arting again. Dont like that chequered look anymore. GOTTA GO!
Out with the masking tape n my favourite spraycan colour.
One roll of masking tape n two nights later. Im hitting the water for a test run. Wooohooo!! Thanks to Rustoleum. This paint sticks well n the satin clear with acrylic dust sprinkled on is great grip.
Ok Lads, thats the artwork done.

QLD, 1087 posts
24 Apr 2019 11:44AM
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olskool said..
NO WIND. Arrrgghhh.... Ohhh Nooo.... the last few months has been lame. 3hrs waiting for 1hr sailing. What to do? ?
Last year i killed some time by spraying some graphix on my ol AHD.
Paintwork n regrip held up well. Just a simple masking tape design.
Well the latest lack of good wind got me arting again. Dont like that chequered look anymore. GOTTA GO!
Out with the masking tape n my favourite spraycan colour.
One roll of masking tape n two nights later. Im hitting the water for a test run. Wooohooo!! Thanks to Rustoleum. This paint sticks well n the satin clear with acrylic dust sprinkled on is great grip.
Ok Lads, thats the artwork done.

Really ... no wind.....??

lately between work and sailing I need to pay somebody to do the lawn ??

Figgered I'm getting 4 days average a week on water last 3 weeks

looking at ka I can see lots of action up your way at Weyba and Cootharaba.

Sandstone has delivered most days last 3 weeks. Had a great session Friday Saturday Sunday and RQ Tuesday.

Even managed a little squirt on my new retro 2005 114 eagle 66cm wide

I think you you just needed a little shed time... we all do occasionally! I'm running out of boards... too many on the repair list

btw. Nice job on the ahd

cheers Jeff

QLD, 7428 posts
24 Apr 2019 11:46AM
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I think leaving the crime scene tape there might have been more appropriate.

QLD, 2455 posts
24 Apr 2019 12:14PM
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NotWal said..
I think leaving the crime scene tape there might have been more appropriate.

Guess thatd be for the speeding fines?

QLD, 2455 posts
24 Apr 2019 12:18PM
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Jirvin, I said theyre only squally short sessions. Yep,ive been getting enough sailing time. But i hit the beach for 4 hrs to catch a 1hr squall. Missing the 3-4 hours of constant power..

QLD, 2455 posts
24 Apr 2019 12:33PM
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Hroar, Im still workin 2 jobs mate. Driving for an hour to the mudhole hasnt really been an option lately. GB is 1km from home. Have sailed the last 2 mornings BEFORE work from 6am. Where was everybody??? Snoozin is loosin... I have also sailed 4-5 days a week over the past month. Albeit short squally sessions..
Youd be struggling to find ANYONE keener than i am.
I sail nearly as many days as you, but shorter sessions. I dont have all day to waste. Im no retiree.....

Back to work friday for the next 10 days.

QLD, 14469 posts
24 Apr 2019 6:42PM
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on the 7th day. God created mountain biking....

ACT, 130 posts
27 Apr 2019 9:52PM
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Same in Canberra. Not much wind lately. Got 15-25 knots y'day (Techno-2 148L + 5.8m)... today just 10-12 knots so 1987 F2 Lightning Epoxy Carbon 220L + North 7.3m Slalom Race sail. Had a few nice runs. 14 knots on Sunday (tomorrow) so a few of us are heading out. Regards to all and good luck to Aussies heading over to race in Europe !!!


Forums > Windsurfing General

"No wind, Im board." started by olskool