Hi all, pulled out a few relics from the heyday, want to know if anyone has any info these babies, a Jimmy Lewis BIC Allegro, a Tom Leudecke Omega 2, and the real mystery, the Vortex. Currently speed sailing with the Central Coast Marauders aka Budgie Smugglers on newer gear but plan to throw these into the water, conditions permitting to see how they go. All info on their history, especially the Vortex would be great!
One is an Omega 2. I remember the Omega and Omega 2 from windsurfing magazines in the late 80- early 90s and Tom Luedecke was a great sailor and as far as I remember a world and national champion and he was a top World Cup racer too. Maybe someone could scan a page from Freesail with the adverts they used to run. The Omega 2 was shaped by John Hall of Sydney from a Luedecke design. John Hall was (is ?) a top shaper back in the day in Australia. That Omega brand turned into AHD and Tom Luedecke designed for AHD for many years afterward into the late 90s as far as I am aware. The Omega 2 board is the "ultra light" lighter version of the plastic fantastic Bombora X-it I believe and both of which were very fast as legend would have it. Never sailed either. Strapper also made World Cup Slaloms based on that design at some time as well.
The Bic Allegro, (Jimmy Lewis, Sailboards Maui..etc) a very narrow white (with some deck yellow and turquoise graphics) carbon kevlar "Acetec" speed board from around 1989-1991, somesay it is actually capable of up to 40 knots, rumour has it, but I seriously doubt it, I would say around 30+ knots max. Even so it is fast but it is pretty narrow (45cm wide). It only has 73 litres of volume, 6.5 kg in weight and 2.75 m long.
These boards you have are truly historic vintage boards and as per the photos, appear to me to present, in excellent condition. Enjoy them. Its a shame unlike vintage surfboards they are not appreciated in the marketplace. Perhaps retro events should be held in each state with age requirements like the Vintage Mal competitions.