Forums > Windsurfing General

PRO-AM in new cal just before the PWA

Created by seanhogan > 9 months ago, 3 Sep 2014
QLD, 3424 posts
3 Sep 2014 8:49PM
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If anyone's interested and wants to have a race with the top dogs :

The "chateau royal grand Prix" will be held from 15th to 17th November before the PWA event, most pros will be there and enter the comp to check out the spot.
Comp will be slalom and raids (long distance)

Open to anyone with a number on a sail !!
website still only in French but should pop up in English any time soon !! ;-)

New cal : 2 hours from brizzie/ 3 hours from Sydney and with now a direct flight from Melbourne too !

bonus (or not) : you'll even get to meet me !
bonus 2 : warm water/trade winds and stunning babes !!

TAS, 2342 posts
4 Sep 2014 10:07AM
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seanhogan said..

bonus 2 : warm water/trade winds and stunning babes !!

Stunning babes, well that's an inspiration for me to go.....not, remember ladies read Sea Breeze forums as well

QLD, 4873 posts
4 Sep 2014 10:27AM
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With this as your back yard Sean, I hate you

QLD, 3424 posts
4 Sep 2014 8:36PM
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ooops , sorry kazza ! well the boys are awesome too !!! check our local legend mr Teri :

QLD, 3424 posts
17 Sep 2014 10:46AM
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website now up in English :-)

51 posts
17 Sep 2014 8:55AM
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Are many of you aussies planning on going to New Cal for PWA? Rowen? Sean?

QLD, 3424 posts
17 Sep 2014 5:28PM
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Sean's nearly a local, he can't miss that !


Forums > Windsurfing General

"PRO-AM in new cal just before the PWA" started by seanhogan