Hi all, I'm heading over to Perth in Dec of this year to have look around and do some sailing. Just wondering what the average Seabreeze strength is on the coast and Swan river ?
anywhere from 5 to 30kts on them coast a bit less on the river. I guess in december 20kts is fairly common
Trouble is, "average" takes into account the unsailable days. If you looked at the average winds above 15kts you'd get a very different story.
Looking at how many days there are above 15kts would also be helpful
Where are you guys getting this data / charts from ? Is it from the BOM site ? I've had a bit of look there but haven't found the info you've posted above. If you could put a link up that'd be good. Thx.
Good one Clue Thirst, That gives a very good idea of what is going on.
And of course, if you're coming for a visit, generally the wind gets stronger as you go North and weaker as you go South.
We have some awesome days down south, Busso but it's off shore breeze. Head this way and give us a shout