I was having a bad time getting into my harness ropes, as im a bit of a short person, and the hook of my harness kept getting covered by my life jacket which really pissed me off...big time. So i found a solution :)
See photos.
Good job, also try sewing some 10mm webbing across the bottom, so you can hook the webbing over your harness hook and it will stop your life jacket from riding up.
Better still buy the purpose built life jacket from Neil Pryde, which does the same.
Better still buy the purpose built life jacket from Neil Pryde, which does the same.
Lol .. sounds good to me going for the NP option .. but for those that have a spare 5 hrs for a sub-perfect result .. then why not .. or why.
Checked out this thread, saw a photo of a pink life jacket, yep this must be the new team issue for the Pinnaroos