Forums > Windsurfing General

Playing with the Sharks at Sellicks

Created by Susie > 9 months ago, 20 Nov 2007
SA, 837 posts
20 Nov 2007 1:15PM
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For those guys and PENNY who sailed at Sellicks on Saturday late, I posted some shots in the gallery. (Can't figure out how to do the shortcut - ya just gotta look at the gallery.) The wind was a bit fluffy and Slack plodded over a shark bigger than his board, a huge grey (white) one. He saw the fins sticking out on either side and the dorsal fin as well. Unfortunately he was heading out to sea at the time and there was hardly any wind but he managed to do a fluffy gybe. The shark helicopter went over twice about the same time and didn't see it but the tourist biplane saw it and circled, so I don't know whether the copter guys were actually LOOKING. Ya can't trust them 100% can ya? Anyway all these guys and Penny went out just after this. This is Timmy....Susie

WA, 1109 posts
20 Nov 2007 11:47AM
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WA, 344 posts
20 Nov 2007 12:34PM
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nice shots. nothing quite so pleasnat looking down at boggy, belting weekend though. getting the hang of this daft sport a little better now. sat blew fairly well, sunday was good for drinkin.

SA, 837 posts
20 Nov 2007 2:10PM
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Yeah, I wanted to go to CowPoo but it was windy at home so I drove around the block a few times, indecision, decided to save the petrol and hey sea water definitely tastes better. Heard Demo Day was great, lots of good gear and crew!!

SA, 3025 posts
20 Nov 2007 2:42PM
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Hey Susie,

At least there was a few swimmers 30 or so metres off thebeach giving Bob's shark some choice. Was amazing how you stuff a gybe as soon as someone says thaey saw something.

Sure was fun for all fun little waves and a good vibe all round - a summer'n'sellicks Luv it.

I know I had a sore body for a couple a days after that.

Nice piccies Susie

Cheers Russ

SA, 837 posts
20 Nov 2007 3:53PM
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Well I fell off about four gybes and lazed around in the water waiting for the next gust just about the same time so I am glad I didn't know any better and yeah I've had a sore leg ever since - I think it was a catapault a few weeks ago, that or old age.....someone should have told those swimmers, I did suggest it, but the guys said....nup
I think they wanted shark decoys.
and re the good vibe - except for the rocks thrown at my board

SA, 3025 posts
20 Nov 2007 5:16PM
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Hey Susie - didn't know about the rock throwing - hope you & your boards OK

Fingers crossed for some more action Saturday - may be some U turns tomorrow night if Southerly strong enough - more swell predicted so lets hope.

See u on the water

SA, 837 posts
20 Nov 2007 5:20PM
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Yeah he missed....twice. Good thing too cos I can't afford to fix it.
Yeah here's hopin for some wind WHEN I'm NOT working. Workin tomorrow.

WA, 3145 posts
20 Nov 2007 4:26PM
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Nice photo Susie

hot rod
NSW, 11 posts
20 Nov 2007 11:10PM
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you just told your husband that you are going to marry the post man.I think i would have thrown a rock as well.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Playing with the Sharks at Sellicks" started by Susie