Anyone got any reasonably priced sources? I'm wasting too much time making them in dual density and to look purrrdy.
So far I can only find a place in Croatia that are priced OK (ish) but they are really inconsistent with communication so I'm not game to buy.
Just want a nice 10mm - ish pad set that is already cut out.
Thanks for replies peeps
I am aware of the Northshore and they're great as they do a dual density. However I don't like the individual front bits, I want it one piece. They're also fairly pricey if you add the dual layer
OTOH I'm sick of sticking 5mm EVA diamond to flat black EVA and cutting out etc. Its OK for now and then but not too much, just labour intensive
Trouble is, Googling gives you a billion results for surf tail pads and sheets of EVA that we all know exists. Finding windsurf board dual density foot pads = hard
I could live with thick cut-diamond EVA like 10mm and just do single layer but also having trouble finding that. Seen it around on boards now and then, but not for sale
I am also keen to find better options.
Maybe, if you have a design get a Aussie boat deck company like seadek to quote a run of deck pads. Not sure what patterns / textures they could do??
Hand cutting pads gets old quick .
Why can't you source blank EVA at whatever thickness n hardness you need. Then use a small CNC mill to cut the grip pattern n logos etc.
I see a small business. Hmmmm...
I'm a bit lost, you would like to use an alternative to eva foam sheets? You find cutting them time consuming?
Hi Mark l had James from Carbon Art send me over some dual density pads for a slalom board for $85 delivered to NSW,just peel off backing and stick on. Only trouble for you would be CA logo but he may have plain ones.
I went with NSI as well. It's a bit strange because $200 can buy you a board, while a replacement pad is close to $100 ! Next time I may buy a board instead so I get a set of pads, straps and fin(s) :) !
Anyway, was super easy to cut at 45~60 degrees. I didn't reproduce the designs though, with multiple colors, that'd be more difficult for sure.
Oh and next time I think I'll go squares instead of diamonds which I thought were tearing too fast.
Moo custom in the UK have them, with 3m adhesive for ?44, might work out too expensive? moo
^^ Yeah cool that is same price as the windfluechter but it has self adhesive so they look really good