Lake Cootharaba (Boreen Point) 16th-17th of December.
Merry Xmas
With only one week to go the Xmas party is ramping up and the plans are being finalised. With the new memberships and the affiliation too Windsurfing Queensland the Xmas bash will hopefully have something for everyone. A joint party has been planned for both windwanderers and Windsurfing Queensland racers alike to share in the fun and fill the lake with sails.
The sponsor for the Xmas party is OzWindsurf Magazine. Kirk has specially requested putting up the grub for the party as it is also the anniversary of his mag and an awesome place to sail. Cheers again to Kirk and OzWindsurf.
As well as OzWindsurf, all of the sponsors from the year have sent me through gear for a huge Xmas lucky draw. I’ve got a fin, boom bag, t-shirt, rashies, and other stuff as well. I’ll announce the full details just prior to the weekend and do the now famous weather guess.
The Sponsors from this year were.
Windsurfing Sales
Caloundra wind&surf
Sunshine Coast Sailboards
Severne Sails
Thanks to all the people and companies for helping everyone enjoy the sport that little bit more.
I am also very happy to say that Board Crazy in Brissy is also a new sponsor of the club. Cheers Simon! Board crazy will be chipping in up at the lake with some giveaways and also sponsoring an event in Brisbane next year.
Also for early next year I have planned a wave meet for the gold coast. So the slalom guys better dust off the wave kit
The plan for Lake Cootharaba is going to be very flexible. As with all the meets fun is the ambition. For a general idea this is what has been organised.
Saturday. -Usual plan of turn up whenever and enjoy the sailing.
Saturday BBQ – will be on from 4-30 pm onwards. Accompanied by lucky draws and Xmas gifts for the kids.
Saturday night. Beer! Beer! Beer! At the Apolonian pub.
Overnight - stay at camping grounds or motel. (camping for me – who’s keen?)
Sunday – more sailing for those that are able.
Racing will also be held. The racing is part of the Lake Cootharaba racing events and is sponsored by Sunshine Coast Sailboards. This is not organised by the WindWanderers. If anyone wants to race they need to let the guys know on the day and comply with their requirements, (WQ membership). For everyone else more of the same sailing fun that was had on Saturday.
I have also organised a 50% discount for any WindWanderers or WindWanderers Familly and friends wanting a windsrufing Lesson. it includes board hire (wide board) and tuition by a master instructor for 1 hour. drop me an email to let me know if anyone is keen
Also at the lake, catamaran’s can usually be hired, along with canoes/kayaks. There is also the everglades, the ranger's hut and loads of bush walking.
If I could get everyone that is going to the Xmas bash to email me to let me know that would be great. Also if you have kids can you send me their names so I can organise the Xmas presents.
For a location guide just look at the website’s Lake Cootharaba page in the Locations guide. We will meet at Boreen Point at the beach opposite the Sailing Club. BBQ are between the beach and the toilets.
For Accommodation, there is heaps available. The camping grounds, the pub, the motel etc.
Early forecasts are for afternoon seabreeze's on Saturday. Fantastic up at the lake as the NE Seabreeze really kicks in when it blows there.
Happy Winds
Justin B.
Hi Gestalt,
In all the Windsurfing Queensland races it's a requirement that you wear a buoyancy vest... is this the case with the Lake Cootharaba association as well?
Nebbian, there's no requirement to wear a buoyancy vest for the Cootharaba racing as it's not run by WQ. Charlie keeps it all pretty low key but the LCSC has been pushing for people to become insured and if that happens down the road he is probably going to have to comply to the same regs that WQ have to for the AWA Insurance.
hi guys,
thanks Tim, yeah MK sent a post saying i may not have gotten it correct as well.
he also added that people prob don't need to be WQ members to race. and it costs around $5.
i spoke to charlie a few weeks back to let him know there would be a few of us hanging around up there on the weekend but didn't talk through any of the above. the racing at the lake is very social, normally gets a good size fleet and everyone says it is lots of fun.
i'll give him a call before the end of the week and find out the details. will be back!
back again.... here is alink to some of the accomodation available. go to the bottom of the page to find the council owned camping ground. has a good setup and lots of space, normally you can't book in advance there but that may have changed. from memory it is better at the boreen point end of the camping area because the water is deeper and it is closer to the shops and pub. we should all try and camp together so look out for my tent with a gun sails flag flying beside it.
the magic 8 ball seems to be on the money lately.
i talked with charlie, no need for WQ membership to enter the races.
forecast still looks the goods. 20-25kn SE sunday and at this stage maybe even this afternoon as well.
see you all there!
merry xmas
well i don't know if everyone has returned home from the lake yet after the xmas party but what an absolutley wild time.
had a solid 20knot easterly saturday that saw everyone blasting followed by an amazing storm that pretty much flattened boreen point.
after an amazing session on the water we all hid behind the bbq under an open covered area to watch nature it it's amazing best. hail the size of golf balls damaged cars, 50 knot + winds caused major damage, power lines fell, lightning struck, roofs lifted of houses and the shop at boreen itself copped a hiding with the signage parapet getting blown off. A 4wd 3 meters away had it's roof caved in by a falling branch. trees fell all around and that was followed by a flash flood that saw everyones tents get between 2 foot and 2 inches of water flow through them, and left my wave board floating off down the road. telecom greg had a tree branch land on him. (he walked away without a scratch, robert got hit in the head be a piece of hail, no damage either.)
after the storm passed we all surveyed the damage and thought how lucky we had been. the place was trashed. anyways, rain hail or shine. the bbq was had!!!!!!
nebbian patched up a 12volt light and we cooked up another storm, drank beers and talked the usual windsurfer talk.
half of the crew then headed off to find other accomodation and i disspeared off to tewantin to sleep on the floor of a friends house while the others slept in their cars. lucky kellie was the only one to have a dry tent. on the way to tewantin i got to see the real damage. Roads were cut, powerlines down and destruction everywhere.
sunday i returned early to the lake, headed off to the bbq and had the guys all come over for another huge fry up. after that the wind filled in and some of the wanderers hit the water for another session in conditions ranging from 10knots to 30knots.
unfortunately i think racing had to be cancelled, however the numbers grew again sunday as more people turned up to hit the water.
what a full on adventure! photos are coming....... at the end we all had a great time. now we got some real stories to talk about.!!!!
this was my first meet !!!! And not my last!!!! after the events that unfolded made it most interesting , thanks to Gestalt for the efforts of saturday and the others we met it made it a great time for the mrs and myself. Was looking forward to camping for the night but the rain got the better of us and we shifted to the motel with no electricity and running water !!!!
Was thinking the 4.6 m sail was too small to take there , ended up being 2 m too big.I am returning to the lake for 4 days at at the start of January.
thanks again to all
hope to get to the next one !!!
I was close to heading up at one stage. I had to replace my fuel tank. Now I'm glad it went bung after hearing that story. I saw Arnold today at the shearwater and he filled me in on your fun time up there lol
you guys should have come up, the wind on the saturday was superb and it was very flat. today the wind was very gusty, seemed to fill in more in the arvo. a few of the guys stayed up there again tonight.
i didn't get many photos of the sailing. most people were about 2km away. my pocket camera can't deal with that type of zoom. there was 15-20 there on saturday, on sunday about another 10 people turned up.
i will be booking the car into the panel beaters in the next week or 2 due to hail damage but no one else really had any issues. my car was at tewantin when the storms hit not at the lake. they copped bad hail there.
i still have all of the giveaways. because of the storm we didn't get the chance to hold any lucky draws.
everyone still had a blast. i don't think we will ever forget it. a real bonding experience. nothing like standing out in the open when a mini cyclone comes through. yes i was scared!
i have uploaded some photos on seabreeze....
it was good to see you there goldcoastmoz, hopefully i'll catch up for a sail at the train over xmas with all you guys. will even drag vando down to the strip.
Thanks again to everyone for coming up to the lake. everyone had a blast even under difficult conditions. loads of wind and water to have fun with.
good on you nebbian as well for always having a solution for a problem. you is da man!
I have manged to update the website with the review of the meet. also added some more photos to the previous meets section under the last meet at redcliffe.
big thanks to all the sponsors too. glad to have you onboard throughout the year. without you or the club's members none of this would be possible.
Got back last night with a big grin on my face from three days straight of sailing. Must admit, that was the biggest storm I've been outside in, I was surprised that more rigs didn't go cartwheeling down the campsite... there was a weather station up the hill that read a gust of over 60 knots, it was probably more like 50 down where we were but nevertheless quite impressive.
My tent was flooded, which wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't left my mobile in there but hey them's the breaks. I sailed Golden beach (Culloundra) on the way home as well, bit like the Tweed river but shallower.
Big thanks to Gestalt for organising the meet, it's always nice to sail at a new spot.
Thanks again Justin for organising a very memorable meet. I'm glad we stuck around and was also glad that we survived the storm and all our camping gear was dry!
We met some great new people up at the lake and enjoyed a few drinks together on the saturday night. Count us in the the next one.
your hands must be shot nebbian after 3 days of powered up sailing. i wish i could have continued on with you the next day.
Hi kellie, (qld freeride champ) congrats by the way!
how lucky you and Dylan were to stay dry. next time i'm setting up camp next door to you guys. thanks again for coming. that night after the storm around the bbq will stay in my memory forever. i had a laugh.
I will probably see you all on the water over xmas. i am keen for another blast at mooloolaba!!!!
p.s. Kirk has been found. he was rigging up when the storm hit and found shelter behind the toilets down near the sailing club. He is one lucky guy. that area seemed to cop the worst of it.