Hi all,
Just putting feelers to to see if anyone is interested in some RBing with the Busso Yacht Club over summer?
Ive had a word with the outgoing Commodore and he thought it was a great idea.
Every Sat sailing around the buoys with the yachts. This will give a purpose of our day on the water.
Probably looking a one Sat per month as a race so those that are willing to travel can commit for the points race. The other Saturdays will be training races without points being awarded.
We have 2 or 3 RBs here in Busso with pilots and 2 spare boards (BIC Bamba 244ltr Mistral OD 235ltr with extns & unijoints) just bring your rig, big rig! We will be on 8.5m and really old sails
If you have any question or suggestion please contribute.
I will copy this to the WA heading and maintain it there.
Cheers Dave
I've got a couple of Mistrals for sale cheap. Superlite went to a good home and if you race down in Busso you will see it..from behind...in the distance..
Ain't that right Marcus Z