Forums > Windsurfing General

Raceboard Worlds 2016. Tick tock...

Created by Brett Morris > 9 months ago, 8 Nov 2016
Brett Morris
NSW, 1200 posts
8 Nov 2016 8:23PM
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Not too late to step up and join the fun!

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
8 Nov 2016 9:20PM
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Entries have cracked 70 from 13 countries.

QLD, 3243 posts
8 Nov 2016 10:47PM
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I didn't see Leo's name on the entry list?

QLD, 217 posts
9 Nov 2016 5:25AM
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He will wait for good forecast like burrum

NSW, 803 posts
9 Nov 2016 10:19PM
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I have got an F2 Lightning ,the same model as shown below .It's had a few repairs ,is now watertight and pretty light.

I think it is early 90’s ,can’t work out the exact year .

It’s 377 long,64 wide and 249 litres

It has the same stats as the 1995 board from the approved race board list but I believe it is from around 92-93.

Is this an approved board for the RB worlds?

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
9 Nov 2016 9:29PM
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Not only approved but it can also be very competitive. They are a joy to ride too. Can be a bit tricky with the narrow tail.

QLD, 4037 posts
10 Nov 2016 7:23AM
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All the phantoms got beaten by the Qld champ on his trusty lighting last Saturday

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
10 Nov 2016 5:06PM
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Yes, I heard about that Muffs

ACT, 548 posts
10 Nov 2016 8:41PM
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hey Akim, yours is '89.
the brochure is the next one, 1990, that 249L shape was around 89-95.
I had a couple of those and reckon they would still be a great board now.

VIC, 106 posts
10 Nov 2016 11:33PM
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to be legal for the worlds, it must have the IYRU sticker & a serial number; according to the regulation's.

NSW, 803 posts
10 Nov 2016 11:53PM
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blazing928 said..
to be legal for the worlds, it must have the IYRU sticker & a serial number; according to the regulation's.

It does not have an IYRU sticker or any serial number,I don't think those had been invented yet when these were made.The sticker below with the specs is no longer on the board as it has had a major repair to the daggerboard box where the sticker originally was. Is this going to be an issue?

VIC, 106 posts
11 Nov 2016 12:30AM
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My Equipe 1 XR 1991, has the sticker, its the yellow coloured one, also known as a EQ1.5 , as it doesn't have the step tail.

you should ask the organisers, they are very helpful.

This has come up before as the regs require the stickers and original graphics intact.
Personally the more the merrier!

QLD, 358 posts
11 Nov 2016 8:34AM
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Hi KA360
You can use your lightning in the Worlds if it hasnt been significantly altered. Graphics and serial numbers help to insure that and that the same board is used in the whole competition. The main objective is fair racing. Our measurer has the final word and will need to see the board on the day.
T Matta. Organising Committee.

NSW, 803 posts
11 Nov 2016 10:20AM
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tonymatta said..
Hi KA360
You can use your lightning in the Worlds if it hasnt been significantly altered. Graphics and serial numbers help to insure that and that the same board is used in the whole competition. The main objective is fair racing. Our measurer has the final word and will need to see the board on the day.
T Matta. Organising Committee.

Here are photos of the actual board,its obviously had a hard life and some damage and repairs . It has no official IYRU sticker or serial number but it is clearly an early 90's lightning. Would this board be accepted as 100% legal by the race committee?

QLD, 358 posts
11 Nov 2016 2:30PM
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What more can I add?
If you are not cheating, it should be ok.
Are you planning to win the championship?
If you are, then you would probably want to put it beyond doubt and get one with serial numbers. Otherwise just bring it and join the fun.

NSW, 437 posts
11 Nov 2016 4:14PM
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Looks in far better condition than my 18 month old Starboard Phantom 377L which has several 30cm deck cracks...

QLD, 355 posts
11 Nov 2016 6:37PM
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What type of board is the other one on the left in the second pic?

ACT, 548 posts
12 Nov 2016 8:51AM
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azuli said..
What type of board is the other one on the left in the second pic?

Cobra Race 380 with a few mods;
powerbox, plugin footstrap inserts removed and recess for mistral track.....

QLD, 4037 posts
14 Nov 2016 8:40PM
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Happy to advise RQ has invited any raceboards hanging around the club on Saturday afternoon to join in the club racing for a couple.of practise races before the worlds. 1.30 start

34 posts
17 Nov 2016 5:24AM
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Only a few sleeps until the racing starts on Monday. International sailors arriving for a few days practice, Aussies getting ready for a road trip. The excitement is building, follow it all on

NSW, 339 posts
17 Nov 2016 11:18PM
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Can't sleep!

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
19 Nov 2016 9:43PM
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QLD, 335 posts
5 Feb 2017 1:50PM
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The three plubber eggs that were laid on the rigging lawn during the worlds have hatched.

QLD, 1471 posts
5 Feb 2017 6:37PM
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What are their names?

34 posts
8 Feb 2017 7:19PM
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Cute!!!!! I almost feel like a proud parent!

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
11 Feb 2017 1:29PM
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What else would you expect from the Centre of Eggsellence.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Raceboard Worlds 2016. Tick tock..." started by Brett Morris