Nasty stuff, never great to go down in a race, especially when there are a few near sharp slalom fins still hurtling towards you at 25+knots. Apparently one of them got his leg. Get well soon Taty
I take it, it was the one who got crashed into that got injured?
The guy behind was doing like 5 knots plus more than the rest of the field - only seen that once before and that was from AA.
I think he just went for it,then realised at that insane speed he was totally out of control.
Taty Frans on the Gaastra hits Pierre Mortefon on the North who clips AA and then chaos. Sound about right??
Taty's put a pic of his injury on his FB page, not pretty, hope he recovers ok
I thought it was spelled rhumb (nautical)?? On the PWA site there are pics from Carter that you can see pretty much how it unfolds.
I reckon Stuthepirate has it. Taty was smokin' towards the mark. Looked like a round-a-bout here in Sydney, watch out for the crazy one.
You guys clearly have no idea
Wiki quote. Vapor.
3rd paragraph
" A vapour ( the sail ) may co-exist with a liquid (obviously the water ) or a solid ( Tatoids ). When this is true, the two phases will be in equilibrium ( Taty and GA awesomeness ), and the gas-partial pressure will be equal to the equilibrium vapour pressure..."
GA site. 2017 Vapor.
2nd paragraph ,2nd last sentence
" With that we drastically incredted the drag of the sail."
I googled Munzlinger's "incredted" and it actually means "inject nitrous oxide into" and he simply abbreviated drag from drag racing ness.
Now when taty hit it he simply could not handle the vapour pressure proving that every year the sails are getting faster !!
Hahaaha, yes, then post Pierre first post too.... but that's not the point.
Just surprised by the language used by a fellow windsurfer towards another Not commenting about the Facebook posts between the two riders.
Aus 4 : are you mates with Rick ??? LOL
Here's the way I see this incident. I accept that accidents happen. However, more accidents happen when people are negligent or incompetent. This was the final of a PWA elimination. Taty's behaviour should be measured against a very high standard - one of the top 8 slalom sailors in the world. When I read his excuse for this accident, it suggests to me that he did not display the professionalism expected of someone at this level. He says he did not see Pierre but have a look at the video.
You will see that Antoine Questel was in fact between Taty and Pierre. Questel spotted Taty on his cruise missile trajectory and had to slam on brakes, go downwind and eventually jump off his board to avoid a crash. Then it's worth noting that Pierre's board (which is basically level with Taty's) actually touches Albeau's hip.
If Pierre hadn't been in the way, Taty would probably have hit Albeau and even with Pierre as Taty's buffer, Albeau nearly copped it too.
So Taty seems to have lost sight not only of Pierre but of half of the field he was racing against. By the high standard that Taty should be measured against, that is incompetence. But it doesn't end there. Taty decides to blast off downwind just before the mark without looking around to see where everyone is. That is reckless. Taty's sailing was unbecoming of someone competing at this level of the sport both in terms of skill and awareness.
Accidents do happen so the real issue here is that Taty's response is not what I expected from the man. When you have clearly stuffed up majorly, it is incumbent on you to take full responsibility for the accident. That means a genuine and personal apology. Let's just remind ourselves what happened here. This image shows just how close Pierre came to getting a fin through his kidneys, spleen, liver, lungs or spinal chord.
How does Taty respond to the fact that his mistake has injured Pierre, affected Pierre's event chances and could have killed Pierre? He says he sent Pierre a direct message on Instagram!!! Even for a millennial that is outrageous. Instagram?! The least Taty could have done is call Pierre - as soon as possible after the accident. It doesn't matter what people told him about Pierre's condition; it was up to Taty to find out from the horse's mouth. And if you read Taty's Facebook post, he still hasn't apologised. He spends the whole post justifying what happened.
At first glance, Capie's analysis appears correct. Taty crashed into Pierre, and it seems he should have apologized.
If this had been a race with standard racing rules, it would have been clear cut. In a race, the downwind sailor (Albeau) is allowed to change course to a more upwind angle, and all sailor upwind of him have to change course accordingly.
But this was not a race where standard racing rules apply. If this had been just a bunch of guys sailing, Albeau and Pierre would have been "stand-on" vessels, with the obligation to keep the course. But Albeau changed the course to a more upwind angle to get into a better position for the jibe around the mark. He forced Pierre and Questel to also change course to a more upwind angle. Albeau's course change created the collision course, and gave Taty very little time to adjust is course. In regular sailing, Albeau's course change and his failure to "stand on" would have made him the party "at fault".
But this was "no rules" racing. The reason "no rules" racing works at all is that all sailors try hard to avoid crashes. Albeau tactics used this to force others to change course. He also forced the upwind sailors to slow down before the mark. He did not absolutely need to do this - he would have made the mark without changing course, but he would have ended up in a bad position after the jibe.
There are a few guys on the slalom tour who are known to sail very aggressively, even at times causing crashes or getting into fights. Taty Frans in not one of them. It is safe to assume that Taty would have adjusted his course if he had seen the other sailors. He probably saw them about 3 seconds before the crash, just before Albeau changed course. At that time, he saw that he had an open window to shoot through. That window closed when Albeau and Mortefon changed course, but at that time, they were hidden from Taty's view by his mast sleeve. When he does notice them, he tries to change course, but fails and falls in a rather spectacular fashion.
The one person who definitely has no fault in the incident is Pierre Mortefon. He had to change his course to a more upwind angle to avoid running into Albeau. He then gets run over by Taty. It is understandable that he feels like a victim, and emerges scared. However, his reaction to ask for Taty's removal from the PWA is a huge overreaction.
Taty's "fault" in this event was to not predict that Albeau would change course before the mark. I can't really blame him for being fast, or trying to squeeze into a small hole in the lineup before the mark. Personally, I would have liked to see some public expression of "sorry" from Taty, but considering that he ended up as the one with the stitches and muscle injury, and that any such expression would likely be seen as an admission of guilt, we're fine - he'll still be the person I root for in the races.
As for not calling a French slalom racer to apologize - well, I can certainly understand that! The "Bonaire boys" were subjected to all kinds of ridicule when they joined the PWA tour. I bet Taty got lots of "little guy" harassment from the "real" big slalom sailors when he started slalom - and worse. Requiring that he should call Pierre "as soon as possible" after the accident, when you have no clue about the history between the two of them, is ridiculous - especially since Taty spent the first hours after the accident in the hospital.
Taty texted him on sunday from the hospital
(okay the apology is brief but it's there) :
I think they should've kept it private, posting on FB didn't help as all the armchair racers joined in to comment. (a bit like I'm doing now !! )
Both are nice guys, I'm pretty sure it will settle down.
Anyway I can't see anyone pinching the title from A2 if he keeps racing like that !