Vidéo filmed and posted by our local Pryde dealer, he entered the comp in Turkey with Antoine...
Awesome pics, you can imagine what it feels having Antoine catching up with you.....
Yep, you've got to admire the control (or no control...) Those two train a lot together when A2 in down south, but still close to a few stiches...
A2 is really a cool guy, last time he was here he gave free clinics on rigging, and then on the water for taking good starts.
After the session he was at the pryde shop signing posters, we went over there and he signed one for my son, then kindly offered another one for my daughter who very politely said "no thanks, I don't want posters on my walls...."
Top bloke
how cool is it that even though AA is one of the best sailors in the world he still has a smile on his face when he sails with his friends. This video could be any of us sailing with our mates ( minus 10+ knots speed or so!)
Whenever I try to play the vid I get this error message:
"An error occurred, please try again later"
I tried again later, then later, then a bit later, then later again, it's late, maybe tomorrow!
Is there a medical term for the procedure to remove a slalom board from ones posterior?! One slip and it was going to happen.
Cool vid. Good use of Go pro but you really have to sail close.
maybe try directly from the diabolo website (plenty of other cool videos and pics...)
Mental, sums up windsurfing, no matter what level you are at its about having a bloody good time on the water with ya mates.... and of course trying to beat them(honestly I'm not that competitive).