Has anyone purchased a RipCurl Oceantide digital watch and discovered it can't predict the tide?
I tested mine with booms tide predictor and it is junk. Start out OK them you check the tide for a few months time and you may as well guess.
RipCurl RipOff..
yep, i got an analogue tidemaster from rip curl, and it was useless for tide predictions. the technicians at rip curl head office were less helpful than the watch; their advice was that the tides in the north west are too hard to predict and i shouldn't have bought it for this area.
hey i got one too and have had it for over a year now. It has been set to the goldcoast seaway for 9 months at least and so far it has been identical to what the BOM predicts and I can't fault it?? I don't know how accurate a manual location entry would be.
is it the time of the tide or height of the tide, or both that you guys are having problems with?
I don’t think all tide watches are crap but the ATS Digital watches that Ripcurl are flogging haven’t been tested. My neighbor has a Citizen tide watch and it works perfectly.
The issue for me is they wasted my time. Why should we do the product testing for these guys. Are they surfers or are they surfshops? or perhaps surf tycoons.
is it the time of the tide or height of the tide, or both that you guys are having problems with?
Answer is the time of the tides, in Newcastle the tides are fairly even so height isn't the issue!
You can't predict tide without latitude or something that indicates it. I guess I should have smelt something was wrong!
i've had no problems with either tide time or height. i have to say it has been spot on for 12 months. the only time i got the tides wrong were the times i forgot to wear the watch
is this the model you are talking about?
I got one when they first came out many years ago, never had a problem with the tide times coinciding. I did find after 2 of them they weren't very shock or water proof so settled on something a little more conventional and reliable.
the dark background display is my only gripe + it is one seriously heavy watch sink to the bottom left arm first when you fall in
I've got an analog RipCurl tide watch and it works well when you set it correctly.
Lived in Carnarvon (North West WA) for half a year, set it once for Red Bluff and it was spot on the whole time.
7 years old, and still going strong.
I too have an analogue Ripcurl, and this is my second after wearing the bezzle out from over use for my original. For the tides in Karratha surfing. windsurfing and boating was tidal critical - 2 significant tides a day and it was spot on, but you had to set it correctly. I always set it following a battery change or on replacement by the new full moon. I had access to the local port tidal charts and kept a pretty close eye on it.
I think the secret is to set it up correctly for the analogue. I can't imagine a digital watch being less accurate ... bloody hell, confusers run the algorithm for tides globally, so how hard could it be for chip in a watch!!!!!.
I found the trick with the analouge is to set it on the high tide. If you set it on the low tide, it always seems to get a bit screwey.
The one thing that really sucks with mine is that you can only adjust the moon forwards... and only by adjusting the time.
So if the moon is 3 days too far forwards, you have to wind your clock forwards a whole month to re-set it.
A couple of our guys have the full blown ATS digital version. No probs with tides, heights or dates... all spot on.
One recently completed a mammoth journey across 4 states that included Gnaraloo. He tells us the pre programed tide guide worked perfectly. All were pre programmed except for Gnaraloo where he had to adjust by a number of minutes to the nearest mark. All pretty easy and worked a treat.
They tells us it helped doing an R.T.F.M
Read The F@#$ing Manual
Thanks guys this means I got a dud. It was my suspicion RipCurl may be flogging their name and not quality product. You really shouldn't trust anyone with lots of money.
The setup for this watch was correct and I understand tide motion fairly well. If you set tides for one location the tides a[d