Anyone know any sailmakers I can go to directly in Melbourne? I need a quick repair before a holiday and dont want it lost in the system at one of the local shops. I have the number for Horizon and Meester. Dose Auther Brett still repair and dose anyone have his contact details?
I use Irwin sails for my repairs. Can recommend him on the basis that he has repaired 2 sails of mine 3 years ago and they are still going strong. Find him in the Yellow pages under sailmakers - marine. He is in Moorabbin.
if its just a panel and its a short holiday, use a good quality book contact, on both sides, works really well and lasts ages, my main used sail lasted another 4 months before it went back to sail heaven.
and after the holiday you can go get it done professionally, this way you wont loose it before your holiday,
I would recomend Lindsay , but he is sailing the 14 ft skiff nationals in Sydney . Try him next week .
Thanks for the replies guys, Horizon are back at work tomorow so will take it thier, unfortunaly its not just a panal that I can patch, the head strap on my 18 month old V8 just snaped while it was siting on the grass, something to keep an eye on in the future, but it is hard to check because it is an internal strap on a 7.0 v8