Forums > Windsurfing General

Simulators instead of cold water

Created by Yuppy > 9 months ago, 12 Jul 2014
VIC, 666 posts
12 Jul 2014 4:49PM
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I spent the morning building two simulators. One for learning tacks and one to learn the Vulcan. Thanks to Jeff Breyer for the idea. The pivot is based on

Now I'm off to try them.

QLD, 555 posts
12 Jul 2014 5:23PM
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You need plenty of balls to do this!!!!!!!

VIC, 666 posts
12 Jul 2014 6:06PM
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VIC, 134 posts
12 Jul 2014 7:16PM
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Goog job. i've taught heaps of peeps with mine. Works great. I just strap the whole beginners board on mine. 1M wide.

NSW, 381 posts
12 Jul 2014 8:18PM
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Awesome Yuppy!! I made a golf ball simulator years ago to teach beginners but I never thought about using it myself! Time to go digging in the shed! Would it maybe also be okay for upwind 360s and heli tacks? I love your tie down straps.

How does the Vulcan simulator work? Any pics in action?

Looking forward to an update on your loops since Maui too! Your vid was very inspiring

VIC, 972 posts
13 Jul 2014 12:19AM
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I just bought booties and a hood. Actually works a treat. Went out last weekend and I don't think I even shivered.

QLD, 7428 posts
13 Jul 2014 12:46AM
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Could you post some piccies of the contraptions in action?
I'm a bit imaginatively challenged.

VIC, 666 posts
13 Jul 2014 1:00PM
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A roaring success. Here is a video of me practicing tacks and sail flips in prep for duck jibes.
I hope this link works

NSW, 381 posts
13 Jul 2014 1:20PM
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Fantastic Yuppy! Thanks so much. Any chance of some Vulcan attempt footage?

Do you plan to strap an actual board to the base for tack practice?

NSW, 9029 posts
13 Jul 2014 2:06PM
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Finally a use for golf balls.

Ask the person taking the video to hold their phone sideways to get a wide screen picture.

VIC, 666 posts
13 Jul 2014 2:12PM
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VIC, 666 posts
13 Jul 2014 2:17PM
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Definitely going to strap a board to it for practice. Just easier to chuck this wooden board in the back of the mini. Also I made the wooden board just big enough to fit my foot in front of the mast. This is to force me to keep my foot next to the mast.

VIC, 666 posts
13 Jul 2014 2:18PM
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Vulcan attempts start next weekend

QLD, 555 posts
13 Jul 2014 4:25PM
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That is impressive!

Should have a sign up - "Honk if you like my Duck Jibe!"

SA, 2516 posts
13 Jul 2014 6:38PM
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Thanks for posting Yuppy. I might make that for my next project. I suppose to emulate the wind, you use some fans ?

Mark _australia
WA, 22854 posts
14 Jul 2014 8:21AM
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Yuppy said..
Vulcan attempts start next weekend

"Which orthopaedic surgeon?" thread on Monday

VIC, 666 posts
16 Jul 2014 10:11AM
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Jeff practicing the Vulcan

Not bad for 65.

NSW, 8088 posts
16 Jul 2014 10:26AM
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Bet you got some funny looks from the traffic.. great idea.

QLD, 3424 posts
16 Jul 2014 2:19PM
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not bad at all !!

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
16 Jul 2014 2:46PM
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This should have been a "Winters Coming" thread :D The best time for windskating, inventing and overthinking windsurfing equipment needs :/

NSW, 297 posts
16 Jul 2014 3:47PM
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Yuppy said..
Jeff practicing the Vulcan

Not bad for 65.

This is actually pretty cool, it just occurred to me that you could practice a lot of the more advanced freestyle 'air' moves with this, and not get *too* badly hurt... unlike the Turfdog or landboard which can be dangerous.

No wind or swell weekend project!!

WA, 2960 posts
16 Jul 2014 2:10PM
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Yuppy said..

I built one of these and attached some bunnings wheels to it.. A pair of directionals for the back and a single dolly for the front.. The trick was to have the mast track in front of the dolly wheel, so the whole setup would pivot nicely.. Two dollys would be better but it's more expensive that way..

This setup is better than a skateboard cause you use the sail to steer, and it replicates freestyle rotations where thr front slides and the fin bites.

Took it to a carpark in about 15 knots and by the time I'd shredded the wheels off and crapped my pants a few times I had worked out flakas, Punetas and Esliders.. Vulcans hurt..

Successful project but I'd never bother doing it again..

My inspiration was Al's Turfdog antics

VIC, 666 posts
21 Jul 2014 10:22PM
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Barn.... Respect!

At my level there is no way I'm practicing on concrete. Soft wet grass for me.

im in Paris right now. Vulcan practice next weekend.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Simulators instead of cold water" started by Yuppy