I managed to sneak in a 45 min session at Wanda today. 8-12knots and decent SSE swell - about 15 schooner glasses high (or about 2-2.5 kegs high). The boys from Gerroa comp will understand. Got 6 waves from 5:10 to 5:50 and then the wind just dropped below that stage when you can bog out over the white water.
Nice to have some decent wave faces to work with and not too many surfers. Only problem was the sail backwinding during top turn due to the apparent wind.
With the forecaste looking doubtful until Sun/Mon it was nice to have patience and perservence pay off.
Cost: 2 hours driving time, $3:00 toll and $5 in petrol but still worth it!
The bonus was the 25 yo hottie working with her personal trainer next to the rigging area.
You drove for 2 hours and used $5 of petrol?...always wondered whether you could tow a windsurfer with a scooter :o
On a serious note it's been a bit lacking here lately. However, Sunday looks the good for Gerroa, swell on the rise too :D
Trying to best the forecast is really bad. Are you coming up? I've done some checking of accom and the hotels are all booked out
Hope to catch up and have at least one day of decent Wanda conditions
Hoping Birdie beach may have enough wind/waves for a bog out...
Would be nice to get waves and wind at a comp.
I'm just going to drive both days.
Yeah i'll be there unless the forecast is bad. If there's wind i'll be there, if there's waves i'll be there on time!
Havent had a sail since the gerroa flat water racing freestyle event. looking forward to it tho.