Hi all, I'm on the market looking for my first board (used). I found one seller who has a Tiga Swift board (11 ft. long, 30 in. wide). He says the board and sail are in fine shape as well as the gear and is asking $300 for it. First, I'd like to know if this is a fair deal and second, is this the most sufficient board for me, a beginner (I weigh 210 lbs)?
It's pretty old school early 80's .price is average.
I would maybe look at a shorter wider board if possible
you will keep it longer and advance quicker.you will out grow it quick.
it would do the job ,plastic boards are heavy .
just my opinion ,I would keep looking.and get something
a bit better.
Then come back to this one .
I learned the basics on a similar board, I kept it about 1 year, but very quickly got a modern sail and boom, they are much better than the old ones. It will be pleasant in light winds, being narrow you will tend to use it with the centreboard down all the time to get more stability.
I think all these boards would be good learning boards.
That's a good start, but like the others recommend, I would look for something shorter. The width looks good to me, but I am a fan of narrower boards now and even when I began. I didn't want to learn on a big, bulky, wide platform. Just make sure the board you choose has lots of volume (flotation) in it. I learned on a Bic Rock board. It didn't have a center board, but I didn't want a center board any how. I think the Bic Rock board had almost 200 liters of volume in it if I can recall. I guarantee you can find a full kit with everything you will need to learn for a great price. Keep posting your choices and we will be happy to give our opinion.
Good luck on your board shopping.
Mate. People throw those types of boards out all the time.
You can get them for free.
I'd look at the free stuff threads and ask around for some more moderner (?) gear.
Board will be your biggest outlay.
You should be able to pick up everything else for next to nothing.
To be off and sailing pretty much straight away you need width so stick to the starboard go/start range or JP funster or similar. They're not cheap but will get you sailing quickly without the risk of you saying 'this is all too hard, I'll do something else instead'. Starting out on my Starboard express (1m wide by 2.5 long and 180 litres) was the best thing I could have done. I weigh 100kg.
not asking on American iwindsurf ??
for me - NOT a fan of the "old" sails
people have given you some good advice
and you have given some information
however, your weight is only one factor
what "gliding" sports have you done and what shape are you in - good balance + patient ??
where will you be sailing and what types of winds ??
are there lessons available - if so - first $300 is BEST invested there
may be able to skip the first board
in the States and Canada people suggest Fanatic Viper, WindSUP 11'6" or Kona One as modern starter boards
there are other older boards - i learned on a longboard with a centreboard, but people feel they are too narrow for a starter .
typically one starts with a small sail - i started with 7 m², but others suggest 6 meter sails...
check windsurf sites in the area and speak to the dudes !!!
if you are patient - you won't buy the first cheap old board that shows up !!
take your time ...