Forums > Windsurfing General

Time to break out the windskate

Created by Magic Ride > 9 months ago, 22 Sep 2016
Magic Ride
719 posts
22 Sep 2016 10:28PM
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Windsurfing season has just about come to an end. NW winds are shifting to SW and SE directions now which is no good for windsurfing here. So windskating is the next best thing. Had a good session yesterday.

Feel free to share your windskating stories.

joe windsurf
1480 posts
23 Sep 2016 5:40AM
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Guy Trudeau is our local windskate hero and has posted here before
as you can see, he is getting other locals "into it"

Magic Ride
719 posts
23 Sep 2016 6:36AM
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Nice video,

Wish I had some others to windskate with. We have a real small group where I live. Just me, another windsurfer and 3 kiters. That's it, we all get along real well with each other, even the kiters. Lol.

230 posts
23 Sep 2016 7:01AM
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No kickflips!??

Magic Ride
719 posts
23 Sep 2016 7:38AM
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Joe Windsurf,

I like the footstraps on your board. I'm wanting to jump my board, but I'm limited without straps. Does the rear strap get in the way of when you gybe? Since there is little room to maneuver on these boards.

230 posts
23 Sep 2016 7:49AM
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I remember we used to do this 20 something years ago, it was hard on the booms, the grips and aluminium would get pretty chewed up during bails! Do you guys have that issue, or just crash rarely?

Magic Ride
719 posts
23 Sep 2016 8:17AM
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Hi Scotty Dog,

I bail every once in a while, but the gear I use for windskating is already used, worn out gear to begin with.
I have 3 sets of gear for 3 different types of windsurf rigs. My nicest set goes on my sailboard, when that gear starts wearing, it gets passed on to my windski, when that gear is on its last leg, it gets passed on to my windskate. The gear on my windskate is worn out gear,taped up sails, scratched up boom, old mast extension with older mast. The gear just gets handed down the chain as you can see. I do wear a harness when I windskate, and it's very effective, especially when going up hill. I use my worn out harness for both windskating and windskiing.

I was sharing the same mast, boom and extention for both windskate and windski, but I just bought a new mast, boom and extention for my sailboard, so now the windski and windskate will have their own complete gear now including sails as well.

joe windsurf
1480 posts
23 Sep 2016 8:44AM
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if you want info on the windskate magic ride ...
you can go to
and/or pm gtj101
i have only just begun windskating and play with designs

QLD, 368 posts
23 Sep 2016 12:15PM
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How well do the freestyle tricks you do on the windskate translate into windsurfing? Would a windskate be a good way to practice technique for freestyle tricks?

5002 posts
23 Sep 2016 12:34PM
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That's cool ..

QLD, 1451 posts
23 Sep 2016 4:28PM
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Who sells them in Australia????

Magic Ride
719 posts
23 Sep 2016 4:09PM
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I just bought a skate board and drilled a hole in the center of the board, just behind the front chucks or front wheels for the universal joint. Then screw on the nut on the underneath side of the board to the universal joint and that's it, you're ready to windsurf on land. If it's your first time windskating, I recommend getting a long board skate board, rather than a shorter board, because the longer boards have more room to move around on, and they track easier. The short boards are lighter and can spin out easy if you take a turn to fast or you're leaning out too far with too much mast foot pressure. Once you get the hang of it, you will move fast. I clocked myself at 23 MPH ON my board so far. That's freekin fast on a skate board. Back winding your sail is your best friend when wanting to stop. Works like a charm.

Another nice thing about windskating is, there is hardly any drag, so your sail size will be much smaller than if on your sailboard. For example, when it's blowing about 14 MPH, I'm on a 5.3 sail on the windskate, but on the water I would be on my 6.8 sail.

joe windsurf
1480 posts
24 Sep 2016 6:55PM
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my first attempts were as follows:

with faster wheels too:

but never made it to this:

Magic Ride
719 posts
24 Sep 2016 9:34PM
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Looks like you have a short board, so you had to put the universal joint in front of the trucks for more room to maneuver. The only reason I put my universal joints behind the trucks is because it helps prevent catapulting. If your not going very fast, it's very easy to catapult on a small rock in front of the front wheels. I found that when the universal joint is behind the trucks, it helps drive the board over small rocks or pushes the rocks out of the way to prevent catapulting.

Is that you on the black platform?

QLD, 4669 posts
24 Sep 2016 11:43PM
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I have open spaces of grass to give it a go , but I'm worried about snapping my wrist.
Ive seen it happen to a friend of mine , on a skateboard , landing in grass , six months off , poor bastard.
I like soft water.

Magic Ride
719 posts
24 Sep 2016 10:07PM
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I hear your concern IMAX about potential injury. They have these windskate boards with beefed up wheels so you can windskate off road. The only reason I picked up windskating is because when the windsurfing season ends here, I can still get my windsurfing fix but on land instead of in the water. You definitely have to be more cautious on land. I'm always out wearing a helmit, knee pads and wrist splints and I have been fine.I have bailed several times with no injuries so far. Knock on wood...

Magic Ride
719 posts
24 Sep 2016 10:22PM
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Here is a windskate set up with off road tires.

1972 posts
25 Sep 2016 1:39AM
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Was that you at the Burning Man dust skating about a month ago?

Magic Ride
719 posts
25 Sep 2016 2:13AM
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No that wasn't me.

joe windsurf
1480 posts
25 Sep 2016 6:00AM
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looks like the Gates of Hell !!
or Medusa got BIG !!

T 11
TAS, 811 posts
25 Sep 2016 9:58PM
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Magic Ride
719 posts
25 Sep 2016 9:22PM
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Where there's a will, there's a way!

Magic Ride
719 posts
13 Oct 2016 12:13AM
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Just tracked my speed yesterday on the windskater and I was at 18.9 MPH top speed. My fastest ever was at 23 MPH.

782 posts
13 Oct 2016 1:49AM
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Just tracked my speed yesterday on a windsurfer 40.44 mph! Always faster on the water and softer when crashing, still lots of wind in the Gorge.

Magic Ride
719 posts
13 Oct 2016 3:10AM
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For sure water is more fun and comfy if you bail. My fastest on the water is 38 MPH, so 40 is pretty impressive. What board were you on when hitting those speeds?

782 posts
13 Oct 2016 3:15AM
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That was slow day at 40, doing over 50 mph on the speedstrip.

joe windsurf
1480 posts
13 Oct 2016 5:53AM
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ok ROO - what was wind, board and sail ??
oh yeah - fin too !!

782 posts
13 Oct 2016 6:49AM
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Yesterday I was on the old gear just cruising around at Stevenson. 2008 Naish SP 80, 2011 Loft Race Blade 5.6, 2016 Vector Raven 26 Roo mod. Choppy and bumpy as usual with wind 20-30 mph from the East. Down at the coast when I'm running the speed course it's the Mistral Speed 41, Neil Pryde EVO5 5.0 and Tribal Sym Speed 21. Looks like it will blow down at ARooBar tomorrow, forecast for 40 mph breeze and nice low tide to coincide.

VIC, 88 posts
13 Oct 2016 11:38PM
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Very happy I purchased a windskate the other day. Have not seen it only photo. a friend is hopefully bringing it home to melbourne from Brisbane. It's a 12 inch tyre model with cast trucks, stainless axel, should be great on big open beach, this is my 3fd windskate with golf buggy wheels, fastest speed almost 60km/h on Fraser Island 20 years back. A fisherman was driving next to me telling me to go faster 60 is enough. See ya

Magic Ride
719 posts
14 Oct 2016 12:42AM
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Those windskates sound pretty neat with those off roading tires on them. You can go all over the place with that. I'm sure you will have a blast with it.

I have had a lot of great sessions with mine. Windsurfing season just ended here for me, so windskating is the next closest thing in order to get that windsurfing fix.

Magic Ride
719 posts
18 Oct 2016 2:29PM
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I was out windskating right up to when the storm hit. Had to post a pic of this.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Time to break out the windskate" started by Magic Ride