Forums > Windsurfing General

Transporting windsurfing gear without a car?

Created by FanaticYouth > 9 months ago, 29 Jan 2018
QLD, 30 posts
29 Jan 2018 8:58PM
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Hey all,

I'm wondering if anyone has found alternative ways to transport their gear without a car e.g. a bike trailer or carry bag. Just curious as i'm hoping to modify this bike trailer to carry all my gear so I don't have to take a car.

Keen to hear some ideas or see what other people have done!

Cheers Harry

WA, 288 posts
29 Jan 2018 7:25PM
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Hey mate , I just picked up one of those myself for the kids to take the boards to the beach
Ill post photos when its done

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
31 Jan 2018 10:05AM
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I didn't end up making it, but I had a bit of a plan at one stage to use a shopping trolley and have two hooks on one side (made with lengths of bent flat bar) to hold a board on its side, two hooks on the other (made from flat bar like the other side) to hold a couple of sails and a mast or two and then chuck all your other krap into the trolley basket.

VIC, 757 posts
31 Jan 2018 7:01PM
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Hello, Harry,
I just went back to and noted that the aluminium frame is joined using black plastic joiners (also available from Bunnings).
I used the joiners to make the racks in my van and most of them broke in service. They could still be used to make the aluminium frame on your trailer, but if so, I'd suggest you would need to plate each corner with an external triangular steel reinforcement.

Hope this helps.

NSW, 188 posts
1 Feb 2018 4:31PM
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Back in the "one piece mast" days, my mates & I made some basic trolleys to use behind our bikes. The wheels were just attached to a simple dolly (like one of those kayak carriers). We used the boom and mast as the support frame and draw bar, without having to drag along any extra weight. I reckon with a 2 piece mast you could just the boom as the draw bar, with the clew end tied to your seat post.

QLD, 30 posts
6 Feb 2018 8:25PM
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Here's an update of my progress, top platform for the board is almost done. About to get started on the second shelf that goes underneath for sails etc. booms and mast will be strapped on the side.


Sorry the images are around the wrong way posted this from my iPad.

VIC, 141 posts
6 Feb 2018 10:16PM
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Not quite sure how you are going to strap the board onto your trailer from your photos. However, theres a good example in this video.

QLD, 30 posts
6 Feb 2018 9:55PM
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Roy said..
Not quite sure how you are going to strap the board onto your trailer from your photos. However, theres a good example in this video.

I was just going to use ratchet straps similar to putting a board on your cars roof racks. The one in the video looks good though.

NSW, 1 posts
9 Feb 2018 10:08AM
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I bought a UniFiber Beach Cart Trolley

It's perfect for short distance travels, like, from car to the beach or going through airports. I can't imagine it being useful on the road as the wheels are made of plastic and are more suited for sand / grass etc
It's very compact and can easily be disassembled.

NSW, 349 posts
11 Feb 2018 9:43PM
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I am not long back from visiting Nordic nations. In Copenhagen, I did a seaside parkrun at -6C. As I was staggering into the wind to the nearby Metro rail (one of two stations at Armager Strandpark, a kilometre apart), past 5 kite-surfers already out on the water, a guy cycles past me in a wetty and booties - on a tricycle. The type fairly commonly seen in Cpn with a tail-dragger undercarriage with a large, high-sided box at the front.
He had a 86L board, boom, and two sails in the box to 6.5m, IIRC.

WA, 522 posts
20 Feb 2018 12:36PM
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Kayak trolley works well.

QLD, 472 posts
20 Feb 2018 3:53PM
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.....and mine with Boge joint coupling

QLD, 30 posts
24 Feb 2018 4:36PM
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Thanks for all the inspiration guys!
A quick update on the bike trailer, got the platform frame on just got to put on the planks and padding still a way to go with hooking it up to the bike and storage for sails masts etc.

As you can see it probably won't be able to fit the epic-sized SPEED on top but I've got a smaller fanatic board that will fit on it nicely.

Cheers Harry

QLD, 2456 posts
25 Feb 2018 6:30PM
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Gday Harry, heres my alloy version from 1986. Whipped it up in metalwork class at school. Back then the one piece mast was the drawbar. I used a piece of pvc conduit to couple it to the seatpost.Used to run 20" bike wheels, but have since upgraded to 19mm stainless axle n no flat tyres. It can also carry my 12ft tinny n 16ft canoe.

Heres my favourite Speed F1 ready for action!

QLD, 30 posts
25 Feb 2018 8:01PM
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olskool said..
Gday Harry, heres my alloy version from 1986. Whipped it up in metalwork class at school. Back then the one piece mast was the drawbar. I used a piece of pvc conduit to couple it to the seatpost.Used to run 20" bike wheels, but have since upgraded to 19mm stainless axle n no flat tyres. It can also carry my 12ft tinny n 16ft canoe.

Heres my favourite Speed F1 ready for action!

It feels like I'm overcomplicating mine ah well haha, I reckon I might b able to use it for my speed without the bike and using the boom as a tow bar for walking, I might widen the platform on the top for the wider board too.

I'm loving my Speed so far having used mostly a 7.0, how are you finding yours?

cheers Harry

QLD, 2456 posts
25 Feb 2018 8:38PM
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Im stoked with the Old locally made Speed Raceboards. Ive got 3 different models. I sail em recreationally. For my 105kg they are a great performance board. I can crank it to a bit over 26kts. 50cm Jp slalom fin n 9.5 raceboard or 9.5 Lion gets me planing in about 10kts.
When walking trolley,i push from behind. Just balance the board n gear so it has slight nose weight. It then easily pushes up against your hand. Its a trial n error thing. Its then not heavy n easily manoeuvred. I could do with storage bin for fins etc. But i like it open frame coz when its unloaded at beach i just chuck trolley over a No Standing sign. Stops anyone liking my trolley more than me.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Transporting windsurfing gear without a car?" started by FanaticYouth